MCU Timeline

DISCLAIMER: All info from this timeline has come from

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Ancient Times, Infinity Stones, Frost Giants

Before the Universe Began

Six singularities existed: Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Time, Soul. 

Dark Elves arose from the darkness before traveling to the Nine Realms to rule over them all from Svartalfheim, the Dark World.

After the Universe Began

Cosmic Entities Death, Entropy, Infinity, and Eternity created the Infinity Stones from these singularities.

Elders of the Universe: The Collector and the Grandmaster come into being.

Several Million Years Ago

Ego the Living Planet comes into being as a Celestial, a member of a powerful, primordial race.

Arishem creates Deviants, and later he creates the Eternals.

Thousands of Years Ago

Asgardian, Kree, and Human civilizations emerge.

Kree experiments on Earth give rise to Inhumans whose genetic abilities are triggered by Terrigen Mist, causing Terrigenesis.

Agamotto founds the Masters of the Mystic Arts and constructs three sanctuaries on Earth.

5000 BCE

Ten superpowered Eternals—Ajak, Sersi, Ikaris, Kingo, Sprite, Phastos, Makkari, Druig, Gilgamesh, and Thena—are sent by the Celestial Arishem to Earth on their starship, the Domo, to eradicate what they have been told are invasive Deviants.

2988 BCE

Convergence, or the alignment of the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil, occurs. This happens once every 5,000 years.

First Battle of Svartalfheim: Malekith leads the Dark Elves in an attempt to destroy the Nine Realms using the Aether (Reality Stone). The Asgardian army, led by Odin’s father Bor, defeat Malekith and secure the Aether, hiding it away.

Some time later, Odin and his firstborn Hela, acting as his executioner, wage war across the Nine Realms, conquering them all. When Hela’s ambition grows too great, their forces battle against each other and many Valkyries are killed in the combat. Odin, victorious, seals Hela away in a prison and banishers her memory from history.

525 BC

The Eternals battle against Deviants in Babylon. Phastos (Brian Tyree Henry) moves technology forward and invents the plow.

Ikaris (Richard Madden) falls in love with Sersi (Gemma Chan).

'Centuries' Before the Current Time

In the opening scene of Black Panther, the story of a Vibranium meteorite crashing into Africa “centuries ago” is retold. This sparked war among the five regional tribes, eventually leading to the emergence of the powerful Black Panther, a leader who gained powers through consuming the Heart-Shaped Herb, united the tribes, established the nation of Wakanda, and continued the mythology of the Panther Gods. Jabari Tribe remains isolated from Wakanda by their own choosing, watching from their mountain stronghold while the Wakandans develop incredible technology by using Vibranium. Wakanda also chooses to remain isolated, appearing to the world as a Third World nation of sheep and goat-herders. It’s possible that an Infinity Stone was hidden away within the meteorite, but this has yet to be confirmed. 

"Millions of years ago, a meteorite made of vibranium, the strongest substance in the universe, struck the continent of Africa, affecting the plant life around it. And when the time of men came, five tribes settled on it and called it Wakanda." 

The five tribes are: The River tribe, the Mining tribe, the Merchant tribe, and the Border tribe, and the Jabari tribe. 

79CE - 1876 CE

79 CE Loki goes back to Pompeii with Time Variance Authority (TVA) Agent Mobius M. Mobius to test a theory about a version of him is hiding near-apocalyptic events so they remain undetected.

400 CE During the Gupta period, the Golden Age of India, we see Sersi and Ikaris getting married.

500 CE Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani) meets Odin and a young Thor around this time.

800 CE Sprite tells the story of Icarus in Macedonia. Kingo also abandons her at this time after being tired of changing locations.

965 CE Battle of Tønsberg: Jotunheim's Frost Giants invade Tøsberg, Norway in an attempt to conquer Midgard, a.k.a. Earth.

Battle of Jotunheim: Odin leads the Asgardian army against the Frost Giants to defend Midgard. Odin also discovers an abandoned Jotunheim infant, adopts him, and raises him alongside his own son Thor with the given name, Loki.

Odin negotiates a truce with the Frost Giant king, Lufey.

1014 CE Kree and Nova Empires fight a war that lasts thousands of years. 

1197 CE A defector from Asgard’s Berserker Army flees to Earth and breaks his strength-enhancing weapon–the Berserker Staff–into three pieces which he hides across Europe.

1342 CE The Ancient One is born.

1409 CE Odin hides the Tesseract in Tønsberg, Norway.

1413 CE Lorelei enslaves hundreds of men across the Nine Realms by enthralling them before being defeated by Sif and being imprisoned in Asgard’s dungeons.

1500 CE Likely sometime in this time period, Namor (Tenoch Huerta Mejía) is born. He then observes the violence being undertaken by Spanish colonizers on the Indigenous Mesoamerican people and, after attacking some of them, takes his people underwater where they can live in freedom for centuries without any interference.

1521 CE The Eternals are in Tenochtitlan when the Spanish invade the Aztec Empire. Frustrated by their inability to help the people, Druig (Barry Keoghan) breaks from the group and mind controls the army to make them stop fighting.

Thena (Angelina Jolie) suffers from Mahd Wy'ry and Gilgamesh (Don Lee) leaves the group to watch over her.

1693 CE In Salem, a coven of witches led by Agatha Harkness's mother Evanora attempts to kill the young witch for practicing dark magic. They fail when she drains their life forces.

1839 CE Members of HYDRA meet to determine who among them will pass through the Kree Monolith.

1876 CE Ulysses Klaue’s great-grandfather is killed by Wakanda’s Black Panther.

1900 - 1950: Captain America, Peggy Carter, S.H.I.E.L.D.

1900 - 1909

1900 Some time in this century, Kingo becomes a movie star and a director, embracing his love of entertainment. To continue his legacy, he continuously disguises himself as his own descendant.

1901 The Council of Nine orchestrates the assassination of President McKinley.

1906 The Council’s headquarters The Arena Club is founded.

1910 - 1919


Jul 28 World War I begins.


Mar 10 James Buchanan “Bucky’ Barnes is born.

Aug 15 Howard Stark is born.


May 8 Joseph Rogers dies while fighting in the war with the 107th as a consequence of a mustard gas attack. He received a posthumous Purple Heart.

July 4 Steve Rogers is born.

Nov 11 World War I ends.

1920 - 1929


Apr 9 Margaret “Peggy” Carter is born.


Oct 24 Council member Thomas Gloucester orchestrates the Wall Street Crash.

1930 - 1939


Jan 10 Dr. Abraham Erskine begins experimentation on a Super Soldier Serum.

Sept 6 Steve Rogers meets Bucky Barnes in New York City.


Johann Schmidt begins searching for the Tesseract.


Oct 15 Sarah Rogers dies of tuberculosis.


Apr 24 Dottie Underwood and other Soviet girls train to become master assassins in the Red Room program.


Sept 1 World War II begins.

Sept 30 Howard Stark founds Stark Industries.

1940 - 1949


Aug 7 Peggy Carter calls off her wedding and enlists in the British counter-intelligence and security agency, MI5.

Oct Peggy Carter becomes an advisor to American agency Strategic Scientific Reserve.

Nov 11 Johann Schmidt injects himself with the Super Soldier Serum, transforming him into the Red Skull.

Dec 24 Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers enlist while visiting New York City’s U.S. Recruiting and Induction Center, but Steve is designated 4F and rejected. He tries four more times in four different cities but meets the same fate each time.

Dec 25 Led by Dr. Erskine along with Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, and Colonel Chester Phillips, the Strategic Scientific Reserve’s Project Rebirth chamber is completed and ready to transform volunteers into super-soldiers. 


In India, Aisha, great-grandmother to Ms. Marvel AKA Kamala Khan, takes refuge in a village where she meets the Indian independence activist Hasan, Kamala's great-grandfather. After he provides her with food and shelter, they fall in love. As a result of this, they have a child, Sana, who is Kamala's grandmother.

Mar 3 Red Skull discovers and secures the Tesseract.

Aug HYDRA General Warner Reinhardt’s team, tasked with discovering artifacts related to Tesseract, find the corpse of a blue-skinned extraterrestrial, a Kree soldier they dub G.H. 


Jun 14 Steve Rogers is recruited by Dr. Erskine for Project Rebirth.

Jun 22 Steve Rogers is successfully transformed through the use of the super-soldier serum. However, Dr. Erskine is assassinated by HYDRA operative, Heinz Kruger.

Jun 23 Steve Rogers refuses to be kept in a lab as a research specimen and goes on a USO tour instead as Captain America.

Nov 3 Captain America leads an assault on a HYDRA facility in Austria to liberate  Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jacques Dernier, Bucky, and the rest of the 107th, some of whom will form the Howling Commandos.

Nov 5 Howard Stark’s research of HYDRA’s mysterious power source leads him down the path to developing a New Element. Tony Stark later completes this research to improve upon his arc reactor.


Jun General John McGinnis’ soldiers raid Howard Starks lab and steal his research along with Midnight Oil, a combat drug originally designed to keep its users awake and alert, but which had the side effect of causing the user to go mad.


Jan The Howling Commandos capture Arnim Zola but Bucky Barnes falls from the HYDRA train in the process and is presumed dead.

Feb Werner Reinhardt discovers the “Obelisk”, a Kree Diviner used to contain Terrigen Crystals which would release Terrigen Mist upon exposure. 

Mar 4 Captain America and the Howling Commandos defeat Red Skull, who uses the Tesseract and subsequently vanishes, never to be seen again. Captain America crashes the HYDRA plane Valkyrieoff the coast of Greenland and is presumed dead. Red Skull, after disappearing from his contact with the Tesseract in 1945, is transported to the distant realm of Vormir in order to take on the mantle of the Stonekeeper and escort those who seek the Soul Stone, eventually including Thanos himself.

Reinhardt tests the Obelisk on an unwilling Chinese woman named Jiaying. She survived the experiment but was locked up in a cage while Reinhardt moved his base of operations upon hearing of Red Skull’s presumed death.

May 7 Soldiers encounter a mysterious phenomenon known as Zero Matter or the Darkforce while on the battlefields of Europe.

May 21 Reinhardt is interrogated by Peggy Carter and sentenced to life imprisonment, despite him attempting to share information on the Obelisk and Kree.

August 6 Hiroshima is bombed. Phastos witnesses the aftermath in Japan and is devastated and infuriated by how humanity has used technological advancements.

Sept 2 World War II ends.


Apr Howard Stark is tried by the United States Congress to determine whether or not he’s a traitor when some of his inventions show up for sale on the black market. Stark flees the country, believing he will be convicted, and tasks his butler Edwin Jarvis with assisting Peggy Carter on her mission. He becomes the SSR’s most-wanted target.

Apr 16 Soviet scientist Anton Vanko tells Carter and Jarvis that Roxxon is the only company with the means of weaponizing Stark’s dangerous chemical compound, Nitramene. The Roxxon Refinery explodes that same night.


The Cold War begins.

Jul 11 Peggy Carter arrives in Los Angeles where an exonerated Howard Stark has opened up a new estate and started a motion picture company.

August 15th

At the stroke of midnight, both India and Pakistan achieved independence after 200 years of British rule. This created what was called the Partition of India which was the division of the subcontinent into two independent nation states: Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan. This led to an outbreak of sectarian violence and an unprecedented mass migration as millions of people made their way across borders.

Caught up in this is Aisha, great-grandmother to Kamala Khan, and Hasan, Kamala's great-grandfather. They attempt to flee with their daughter Sana, Kamala's grandmother. Transported back in time when her bangle is stabbed, Kamala meets them at a train station where they are attempting to flee. It is here where she saves Sana by guiding her with a projection of stars to lead her to her father, fulfilling her destiny.


An unidentified Iron Fist is caught on film by the Chinese Government while defending a secret passage into K’un-Lun from soldiers who had become lost in the jungle.

September Howard Stark and Peggy Carter plan to form S.H.I.E.L.D., which they launch in January of 1949.


Zola, now recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D., begins to rebuild HYDRA from within the agency. He and former HYDRA agents track down Bucky Barnes, who had survived his fall and was in the custody of Soviet authorities. Bucky’s memory is wiped and modified, as is his body; he’d lost an arm but was outfitted with a metal prosthetic. HYDRA kept Bucky cryogenically frozen, thawed out only when needed as the elite assassin, Winter Soldier.

A 2023 version of Steve Rogers goes back in time to live out his life with Peggy Carter. (How this affects the timeline is anyone's guess!) 

1950 - 2000: Nick Fury, Howard Stark, Phil Coulson

1950 - 1959


Dec 21 Nick Fury is born.


Jun 21 Peggy Carter is interviewed about her experiences with Captain America during World War II.


Jan 1 The year-long Stark Exposition kicks off.


Feb 15 Yondu Udonta is sold into Kree slavery as an infant.


Apr 25The Winter Soldier conducts an operation, as documented by the KGB.

1960 - 1969


Sept Meredith Quill is born.


Vietnam War begins, orchestrated by HYDRA.

Aug 10 Midtown School of Science and Technology is founded. (Peter Parker will later attend.)

Oct 14-28 Cuban Missile Crisis, manipulated by HYDRA.


Mar 13 Anton Vanko defects to the U.S. to develop Arc Reactor technology with Howard Stark as part of The Unity Project.

Nov 22 The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is orchestrated by HYDRA and carried out by the Winter Soldier.


Jan 1 Stark World Exposition held alongside the World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows, New York City.

Jul 8 Phil Coulson is born.

Oct 12 Trevor Slattery performs his first theatrical role as Boatswain #1 in William Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest.’


Oct 17 Anton Vanko is accused of espionage, deported as a spy, and exiled to Siberia for 20 years. Howard Stark assumes full credit for the Arc Reactor technology. Obadiah Stane convinces Stark to once again focus his efforts on weapons technology.


Feb 15 Anton Vanko’s son Ivan is born.

Oct 8 James Rupert Rhodes is born.

Carol Danvers is born. (Haven’t seen it confirmed in the movie, but the character was created in 1968, so that year would serve well as her birth year.)


Dec 18 Bruce Banner is born.

1970 - 1979


During her childhood, Carol Danvers was an adventurous child and a risk-taker, to the displeasure of her father. Despite failing and falling along the way, Carol was always one to get back up and try it again, even from an early age.

April 4, Avengers: Endgame Sending Lang back to their future time, Rogers and Stark travel to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters to steal the Tesseract from an earlier point in time. Stark runs into his father, Howard Stark here, while Rogers steams Pym Particles from a young Hank Pym.

May 29 Tony Stark is born.


Jan 7 Clinton “Clint” Barton is born.


Arnim Zola dies of a terminal illness, but his consciousness is uploaded into a computer system in a S.H.I.E.L.D. bunker in Camp Lehigh, New Jersey.


Nov 8 A young Wilson Fisk kills his father with a hammer to stop him from beating Wilson’s mother, Marlene. Wilson and his mother cut up the body and dump it into the river over a few days. Marlene soon sends Wilson to live on a farm with his relatives.


Apr 1 The last Stark World Exposition until 2011. Howard Stark’s video advertising the expo cleverly disguises a clue to perfecting the Arc Reactor technology, one which only his son Tony Stark will recognize.


Apr 2 Yondu Udonta is freed from Kree slavery by Stakar Ogord and becomes a Ravager. Yondu goes against the code by working for Ego and delivering children gathered from across the universe to Ego’s planet.

Apr 30 Vietnam War ends.


July Misty Knight is born.


Sept 23 Sam Wilson is born.

Sept 24 Howard Stark unveils his Arc Reactor technology but does not explore the tech’s profitability.

Nov 7 Ego comes to Earth to plant a seedling and falls in love with Meredith Quill. He leaves on December 23rd, but returns multiple times over the months ahead.

1980 - 1989


Hope Van Dyne is born.

Oct 27 Peter Quill is born.


Apr 7 Hank Pym uses his Ant-Man suit to test his EMP communication device by shrinking down to the size of Bullet Ants. 

At some point around this time, Hank and Dr. Bill Foster had worked on Project G.O.L.I.A.T.H. (where Foster attained a maximum height of 21 feet thanks to their Pym Particles experiments), but after their partnership grew too contentious, Pym and Foster soon parted ways. 

Oct 22 Natasha Romanoff is born.

In either this year or the year before, Alexei Shostakov says that he fought Captain America.


Nov Matt Murdock is born.

Loki takes part in a Time Variance Authority (TVA) mission to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where a variant of himself has been causing problems.


Carol Danvers enters the U.S. Air Force along with childhood friend Maria Rambeau. Carol also becomes a sort of aunt to young Monica Rambeau.


Jan Anton Vanko returns from Siberian exile.

Mar 9th Marc Spector is born to Wendy and Elias Spector.

Apr 2 Thanos kills Gamora and Nebula’s families, and then adopts them as his daughters. They become skilled assassins and fighters under Ronan the Accuser.

May 28 During a training scenario, Gamora tosses Nebula over a cliff, injuring her to the point that she requires cybernetic augmentations which disappoint her adopted father.

July Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne try to disarm a Soviet ICBM as Ant-Man and the Wasp. Janet presumably dies after turning off her suit’s regulator in order to shrink down small enough to enter the missile and disable it, though she may be lost in the quantum realm.

Aug 19  Leo Fitz is born.

Sept 11 Jemma Simmons is born.


July 2 Daisy Johnson is born.

Nov 10 Meredith Quill dies and Peter is abducted by Yondu’s Ravagers under orders from Ego.


Opting to fly a top-secret plane with an experimental engine for superior technical officer, Dr. Wendy Lawson (though leaving Lawson’s pet cat Goose behind), an unexpected engagement with an alien spacecraft ends with Carol Danvers and Dr. Lawson crashing. While Lawson is killed, Carol is saved by Kree forces and spirited away to their home-world of Hala.

For the next six years, Carol, now known as Vers, is trained by Kree warriors in the elite military group, Starforce, led by Yon-Rogg. Together, they help the Kree defend the known universe from invasion by the shape-shifting Skrulls.

Mar Reinhardt is set free by Alexander Pierce and returns to Austria to resume experimentation on Jiaying, using his discoveries to restore his own youth.

June Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. upon discovering that the organization attempted to replicate his size-changing technology.

1990 - 1999


Sometime this year, or thereabouts, Ava Starr is born.

Mar 17 John Garrett becomes the first test subject for HYDRA’s Project Deathlok after becoming mortally wounded by an IED in Sarajevo.

General Hale is selected for a special breeding project by virtue of her reproductive abilities. 


April 1 Danny Rand is born.

Dec 16 Howard and Maria Stark assassinated by the Winter Soldier. Obadiah Stane assumes interim CEO duties of Stark Industries.

Dec 25 Soviet Union dissolved and the Cold War ends.


During the Los Angeles Riots, two men in Oakland, California plot to use their cache of weapons to start a race war. They’re interrupted by two “Grace Jones-lookin’ chicks with spears”, members of the Dora Milaje who herald the arrival of the current Black Panther, T’Chaka (Atandwa Kani). 

It turns out that one of the men is actually Prince N’Jobu (Sterling K. Brown), T’Chaka’s brother, a Wakandan royal, and member of the Golden Tribe who possesses one of their father’s royal rings. 

While on assignment, N’Jobu met an American woman; they had a son named Erik (Seth Carr). At some point, N’Jobu gifted his son with a Vibranium inner-lip tattoo that acted as a mark of a true Wakandan. 

N’Jobu, a War Dog tasked with reporting back to Wakanda on the events transpiring in California at this time, became entangled in the racial tensions, opting to help the mercenary Ulysses Klaue to steal Vibranium from Wakanda in order to start a race war and give his people the upper hand. 

However, it was revealed that N’Jobu’s right-hand man James was actually Zuri (Denzel Whitaker), a Wakandan confidant who had earned N’Jobu’s trust while also reporting back to T’Chaka. 

Learning of the deception, being caught in the act of aiding Klaue in smuggling Vibranium from Wakanda, and facing trial in Wakanda for the resulting deaths of his people (including W’Kabi’s parents), N’Jobu attempts to shoot Zuri, but T’Chaka interferes, killing his own brother. 

Young Erik, having witnessed the arrival and departure of T’Chaka’s ship, returns home to find his father murdered. He also finds N’Jobu’s journals, including a decryption key for the Wakandan language, and begins his journey of vengeance. 

Over the years, Erik Stevens, a.k.a. N’Jadaka, a.k.a. Erik Killmonger, would graduate from MIT, become a Navy SEAL, be recruited into the CIA Ghost unit as a Black Ops mercenary, and rack up dozens of kills, which he marked on his body using scarification.  


May 5 Ivan Vanko receives 15-year prison sentence for selling Soviet-era weapons grade plutonium to Pakistan.

Oct While attempting to save a bystander from being hit by a truck, Matt Murdock is doused in hazardous chemicals. He loses his sight, but his other senses become enhanced.


Feb Jack Murdock is assassinated for failing to throw a boxing match.

May Stick introduces himself to Matt Murdock at the St. Agnes Orphanage, offering to train him.

Oct 28th Layla Abdallah El-Faouly is born to her mother and her father, Abduallah El-Faouly, a respected archaeologist.


May 5 Bruce Banner and Betty Ross begin dating as undergraduate students at Harvard.

Natasha is then sent to Ohio with Malina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz), Alexei Shostakov (David Harbour), and a young Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) to be a fake Russian family with the intent to collect S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence, something they achieved before fleeing to Cuba. After the mission, they are separated and Natasha and Yelena are both sent to the Red Room.

Jul 24 Natasha Romanoff joins Russia’s covert espionage program, emerging three years later as the Black Widow.

A Starforce mission goes awry and Vers is apprehended by the Skrulls. Their invasive search of her memories reawaken some long-forgotten moments in Vers’ life and reveals that the Skrulls are after a lightspeed engine technology that may be hidden away on Earth. Escaping, Vers crash-lands on Earth, a planet designated C-53 in the Kree system.

Over the space of 22 hours

Once on Earth, Vers soon runs afoul of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury and up-and-comer Phil Coulson after crashing through the roof of a Blockbuster Video store in L.A. Together, they track down Skrull agents who have taken the shape of humans in order to blend into society and infiltrate its ranks. Together, they try to get their hands on Dr. Lawson’s lightspeed engine before the Skrull forces, led by Talos, can beat them to it.

Along the way, once they arrive at Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. headquarters in the Mojave Desert, Vers and Fury also happen upon Goose, Lawson’s pet cat that may actually be more than what it first appears to be, especially if the Skrulls’ reaction to it is any indication. (There’s some confusion in the timeline here regarding Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., so we’ll see if Marvel has an answer for the discrepancies.)

Stealing an early-model Quinjet, Vers, Fury, and Goose head to Louisiana to pay a visit to her childhood friend and Air Force partner, Maria Rambeau, seeking answers to Vers’ past.

At the Rambeau family home, Maria and Vers are reunited, along with Maria’s daughter, Monica. There, Vers learns of her past as Carol Danvers and slowly pieces her scrambled memory back together.

With the help of the Skrull leader, Talos, who’s revealed to be a refugee and not the evil mastermind Vers has been led to believe he is, Carol learns that it was the Kree who shot down the experimental aircraft and none other than Yon-Rogg who killed Lawson, a Kree defector in disguise as a human scientist who was attempting to build a lightspeed engine in order to end the Kree-Skrull war. Carol destroyed the engine, nearly dying in the process but also absorbing most of the energy it unleashed. Yon-Rogg took her to Hala and saved her life by giving her a transfusion of his own blood, but also gave her amnesia and put a limit on her powers by patching her into the advanced A.I., the Supreme Intelligence.

Lawson’s tech was powered by the Tesseract (and the Space Stone embedded within it), though it’s unclear how she obtained it since it was supposed to be in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s custody after Howard Stark retrieved it from the Arctic Ocean. (Lawson’s possession of it for Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. isn’t explained, though perhaps Fury took over control of the project after becoming aware of it in this movie.) Carol Danvers hid it from Yon-Rogg and the Starforce members by placing it in a ‘Happy Days’ lunchbox featuring The Fonz.

Goose the “cat” (actually a very dangerous creature known as a flerken) not only dispatches many of the Kree soldiers, it also consumes the Tesseract by swallowing it.

A fierce battle takes place on Lawson’s laboratory ship in orbit around Earth, though Captain Marvel, now free of the shackles of the Kree and the Supreme Intelligence, deals with Starforce rather easily. Even when Yon-Rogg calls Ronan the Accuser to summon a fleet of world-destroying bombers to wipe out Captain Marvel and the Earth itself, she neutralizes them with explosive zeal.

The threat answered for now, Captain Marvel sends a defeated Yon-Rogg back to Hala to let the Supreme Intelligence know that she’s coming back to finish the job and end the war.

On the trip back to Earth, Fury takes a nasty scratch to his left eye from Goose…

Before she leaves to help the Skrull refugees find a new homeworld and to stop the Kree-Skrull war, Captain Marvel gives Fury an improved pager that will allow him to call her home in “emergencies only.”

While at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, Coulson brings Fury a case of replacement eyes to look over. Fury mentions that their one powerful defender against extraterrestrial threats has just left the solar system. In response, he writes up “The Protector Initiative” before renaming it “The Avengers Initiative” after seeing Carol Danvers’ Air Force call-sign “Avenger” in a file photo.

In a post-credits stinger, Goose jumps onto Fury’s desk (c. 1995) and vomits up the Tesseract. Presumably, Fury then picks up where Lawson’s Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. left off and delivers the Tesseract to the Mojave facility for further study, eventually recruiting Dr. Erik Selvig.



Wenwu returns to his headquarters where he is informed that their mission to capitalize on the instability in Afghanistan is going well. He threatens the leader of the Iron Gang, a group caught selling weapons without giving a portion of the money to the Ten Rings.

Wenwu goes on the search for the mythical Ta Lo and loses his entire group of men. But, he meets Ying Li (Fala Chen) and fights her, and despite his power with the Ten Rings, she is able to defeat him. Wenwu falls in love with Li and decides to start a family with her, putting aside his ambition. The people of Ta Lo do not accept Wenwu due to his warmongering past and Li instead leaves to pursue a life with him, leaving her people behind.

Jun 6 Stick was also training another pupil, Elektra. Rather than following orders to kill her once it became clear that she was the latest incarnation of the Black Sky, Stick placed her with a wealthy adoptive family in Greece for her own safety.


Sometime before Marc Spector's 10th birthday, Marc and his younger brother Randall go out to play in a cave when it's raining and Randall drowns to death.

March 9th Blaming Marc for Randall's death, Wendy Spector does not celebrate Marc's birthday. She begins to verbally and physically abuse him, which gets worse when she becomes addicted to alcohol.

April In attempting to reconcile the death of his wife Adria, Kaecillius is brought to Kamar-Taj by Karl Mordo and meets with The Ancient One, joining the Masters of the Mystic Arts.

Sometime this year, or thereabouts, Dr. Elihas Starr’s Argentinian quantum tunneling research lab explodes, killing him and his wife Catherine were killed, though their daughter Ava survived and gained the ability to phase through solid objects and out of the visible spectrum. Dr. Bill Foster, now working for S.H.I.E.L.D., took custody of her and attempted to find a cure for her painful and debilitating disorder while the organization itself trained her as an assassin, spy, and infiltrator. This relationship lasted 20 years until the events of the Ant-Man sequel.


Jan 27 Nick Fury sends Clint Barton to eliminate Natasha Romanoff in Russia, seeing her as a threat to global security. Instead, she’s given a chance to join S.H.I.E.L.D., she takes.


Wanda and Pietro sit down to watch The Dick Van Dyke Show, but Sokovia is being attacked and bombed and a mortar shell hits the Maximoff home, killing Wanda's parents. Trapped under rubble, they see another shell land and see the Stark Industries logo painted on it. It does not detonate, but the seed of hatred for Tony Stark is planted. They grow up to be protestors against Stark Industries and the Avengers.

March 9th On his birthday, Wendy drunkenly tells Marc that she believes he always hated Randall and she should have known he would kill him. Wendy's abuse of her son leads Marc to develop dissociative identity disorder, creating Steven Grant in order to comfort himself from his mother's abuse.

Jul Jessica Jones is the sole survivor of a car crash during a family road trip. Chemicals spilled during the crash grant Jessica Jones her abilities.

Dec 31 Tony Stark travels to Bern, Switzerland for a New Year’s Eve party where he meets Maya Hansen and Ho Yinsen. Disabled scientist Aldrich Killian requests funding from Stark for his think tank Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.), but is rudely rebuffed. Hansen later reveals her work on the Extremis virus to Stark.

2000 - 2012: Phase One: Assemble

2000 - 2009


This is approximately the year that Shang-Chi was born.

Around this time is when Phastos meets Ben (Haaz Sleiman) and falls in love with him. They have a son together named Jack.

Jan 3 A rejected Killian accepts a jilted Hansen into A.I.M. where they work on Extremis together.


Jun 28 Under HYDRA’s influence, NASA sends astronauts through the Monolith to survey the planet on the other side.

Sept 12 Frank Castle enlists in the Marine Corps following the September 11th attacks.

Sept 13 General Thaddeus Ross starts the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project through the U.S. Armed Forces in order to replicate Project Rebirth.


Mar 20 Iraq War begins, orchestrated by HYDRA.

Aug 29 Matt Murdock meets his college roommate, Foggy Nelson.


This is approximately the year Xu Xialing was born.


Feb 25 Bruce Banner joins the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project under false pretenses of Thaddeus Ross and earnest convictions of Betty Ross.

Apr 16 Testing his experiment on himself, Bruce Banner is exposed to a combination of Gamma radiation and Betty’s formula derived from Dr. Erskine’s super-soldier serum, accidentally becoming the Hulk.

Apr 19 Learning that the Army wants to use him as a weapon, Banner runs, starting a six-year chase across the globe.


Nov 14 Microsoft releases the Zune 30. Peter Quill later obtains one.


When Shang-Chi is seven, Ying Li was murdered after the Iron Gang attacked the Xu home. Shang-Chi and Xialing are there to witness their mother's death. Wenwu picks his Ten Rings back up and takes Shang-Chi with him to kill the members of the Iron Gang in vengeance.

The following years involve ruthless training that Wenwu pushes Shang-Chi through. At the same time, Xialing is also training independently.

Maya Lopez attends a regular school where she learns to read lips. Her father, William, apologizes for not being able to afford for her to go to a special school for the deaf. But he tells her she will be better off, having learned to live in society with other hearing people.

Sometime after this Maya joins the Brooklyn Karate Academy with Kazi Kazimierczak. She meets her father's friend, who she considers to be like an uncle to her, and it is revealed to be Wilson Fisk.

Jan 3 S.H.I.E.L.D. assists Thaddeus Ross in the quest to bring down the Hulk until 2011. Stark also provides Humvee-mounted sonic cannons.

Oct 31 Aldrich Killian injects himself with the Extremis virus, healing his disabilities and allowing him to walk without a cane.


Feb 19 Killian exposes willing subjects, mostly seriously injured military veterans, to Extremis. Those who survive heal and regrow lost limbs.

May 15 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Melinda May earns her nickname “The Cavalry” during the Rescue in Bahrain.

Natasha Romanoff defects to S.H.I.E.L.D. and agrees to go to Budapest to kill Dreykov so they can shut down the Red Room. Clint Barton goes with her. Romanoff sees that Dreykov is in the building they're meant to bomb, but also sees that he's brought his daughter Antonia with him. She detonates the bombs but is consumed with guild for killing Antonia. After the bombing, Romanoff and Barton hide for ten days inside a subway station to escape the head of the bombing.


Dec 18 Nick Fury places Phil Coulson in charge of Project T.A.H.I.T.I. with the aim of using the Kree corpse to potentially revive a fallen Avenger.


Jan 12 Tony Stark demonstrates his Accelerated Wave Explosion (A.W.E.) weaponry to the U.S. Armed Forces.

Jan 24 Christine Everhart is kicked out of the Stark Mansion by Pepper Potts after a one-night stand; she later becomes an anchor for WHIH World News. Later, during a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan, Tony Stark is kidnapped by the Ten Rings, who are working for Obadiah Stane.

Jan 25 Under Fury’s orders, Coulson questions Obadiah Stane as to whether or not Stark could have sold weapons to terrorists. Fury refuses Coulson’s request to search for Stark himself. 

Apr 21 Project T.A.H.I.T.I. test subjects go insane and are given new memories to cope with the effects of the trauma.

Apr 26 Stark and fellow captive Ho Yinsen, who saves Stark’s life multiple times, construct Tony’s Mark I suit of armor, allowing him to escape; Yinsen does not survive. Stark’s first flight as Iron Man is picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D.’s radar and Nick Fury contacts the U.S. Department of Defense with the intel.

July 16 Having returned to the U.S., after pulling out of the weapons business and cancelling all military contracts, Stark turns his attention to his Arc Reactor and Iron Man tech.

Around this time, William Ginter Riva (Peter Billingsley) is tasked by Obadiah Stane to build him a suit similar to Tony’s. He fails. Riva holds a grudge against Stark for years, eventually falling in with fellow disgraced employees Guterman, Victoria Snow, and others, all led by Quentin Beck.

Oct 24 Pepper Potts & Phil Coulson discover the Iron Monger Armor & Stark uses his Mark III armor to battle the power-hungry Stane, who dies in an explosion of the industrial Arc Reactor.

Oct 25 Stark publicly claims his new nickname as Iron Man, rejecting S.H.I.E.L.D.’s cover story; he’s later approached by Nick Fury to join the “Avengers Initiative.” That same day, Anton Ivanko dies and his son Ivan vows to take revenge on Stark by developing his own powered-armor tech.

Nov 17 Emil Blonsky and his team track Bruce Banner to South America


Apr 23 Tony Stark appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Weaponized Suit Defense Program Hearings.

May 22 Natalia Rushman, a.k.a. Natasha Romanoff, joins Stark Industries as Tony’s new personal assistant, on Fury’s orders.

May 24  Ivan Vanko crashes the Circuit de Monaco, battling Tony Stark, who equips his lightweight Mark V armor and defeats Vanko’s Whiplash tech.

May 30 While Fury confines Tony Stark to house arrest after helping to slow his palladium poisoning, Rhodes delivers the stolen Mark II armor to the military, where it’s upgraded by Justin Hammer. At the same time, Jane Foster & Erik Selvig monitor strange atmospheric disturbances in New Mexico, landing them on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s radar. Meanwhile, Thor’s coronation is interrupted by Frost Giants breaking into Odin’s treasure room; the Asgardian quickly brings the battle to Jotunheim before Odin puts a stop to it.

May 31 Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, & Happy Hogan defeat the Hammer Drones when Vanko hacks them to attack the Stark Expo. During this battle, a young boy (confirmed to be Peter Parker) stands up to a Hammer Drone, assisted by Iron Man himself. Coulson arrives in New Mexico and Thor crashes to Earth while Bruce Banner arrives at Culver University.

Jun 1 Odin enters Odinsleep and Loki begins to move against his brother when his true parentage is revealed. Romanoff begins spying on Banner while Blonsky receives an unauthorized dose of enhancement serum.

Jun 2 Sif and the Warriors Three arrive on Earth with the Destroyer following them on Loki’s orders. It attacks S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and citizens at Puente Antiguo, but Thor proves himself worthy and, with his powers restored, defeats it. Later that day, Thor and Loki duel at the Rainbow Bridge. Thor destroys the Bifrost Bridge to prevent Loki from destroying Jotunheim, but that restricts Thor to Asgard and sends Loki into space. After a time, he arrived at the asteroid-strewn area known as Sanctuary, presided over by Thanos. An enhanced Blonsky battles the Hulk on Culver University’s campus while Romanoff reports her findings to Fury. Stark accepts an advisory role with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers Initiative.

Jun 4 Blonsky mutates into Abomination when injected with products derived from Banner’s blood. Hulk defeats the Abomination after a destructive battle in Harlem. Samuel Sterns, who attempted to cure Banner, ends up mutating due to exposure to Banner’s blood. Romanoff finds him and takes him into custody.

Jun 5 Fury receives the necessary funds to study the Tesseract and launch the Avengers Initiative.

Jun 7 Fury approaches Selvig with an offer to join S.H.I.E.L.D. in an advisory role, while the first “Mandarin bombing” occurs.

Jun 9 Tony Stark approaches Ross with a plan to put a team together, inquiring about Blonsky. His attitude rubs Ross the wrong way and the General refuses to release the Abomination, thus fulfilling Coulson and Agent Sitwell’s plan to keep Blonsky imprisoned.

November 13th The second "Mandarin bombing" occurs.


Jan 11 Aldrich Killian hires Trevor Slattery to pose as the terrorist known as the Mandarin in order to provide a cover for his explosive Extremis side effects which continue to make the news as “suicide bombings.” 

Apr 15 S.H.I.E.L.D. continues research on Vanko’s “Whiplash” technology, the Tesseract, Samuel Sterns’ mutation, Jane Foster’s Nine Realms theory, and manage to thaw out a recently recovered Steve Rogers. The Darkhold also comes to their attention. 

Apr 22 The Fifth Street Locos shoot up Eli Morrow’s car, which Robbie and Gabe Reyes had recently stolen. The car flips and Robbie is killed while Gabe is paralyzed. The Ghost Rider appears and saves Gabe’s life as well as Robbie’s, though the later is transformed into the new Ghost Rider.

May 1 Loki, aided by Thanos and The Other, uses the Tesseract energy to teleport him to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility where he steals the Tesseract and controls the minds of Selvig and Hawkeye. Heimdall alerts Thor and Odin of Loki’s arrival on Earth. 

Meanwhile, Romanoff is undercover and interrogating weapons-dealer Georgi Luchkov; her mission is cut short by a call from Coulson, telling her Hawkeye’s been compromised.

May 3 Thor arrives back on Earth thanks to Odin’s use of dark energy to transport him. He has a brief skirmish with Iron Man and Captain America that ends with the agreement to take Loki into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.

May 4  Loki manages to escape captivity aboard a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier when his mind-controlled agents take it over and the Hulk goes on a rampage. Phil Coulson is killed in the process. 

The Battle proceeds to New York where Loki opens a wormhole to allow the invading Chitauri army to swarm into the city. The Avengers unite, defeat Loki, and manage to prevent a missile from wiping out New York City. The invasion is ended and the Tesseract is reclaimed; Thor takes it to Asgard for safe keeping. 

A young Kate Bishop sees Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye fighting off Chitauri. The moment left a mark on her and made her want to become a hero like him after he saved the city as well as her life.

Many media outlets and private citizens record video of the invasion that show off both the heroic and destructive effects of the battle, in which the mother of Audrey Eastman and the mother of Ellen Nadeer and Vijay Nadeer died.

Avengers: Endgame 2012 

During and after the invasion, a separate group of Avengers from 2023 goes back in time to take the Mind, Space, and Time Stone as per the events of Avengers Endgame.

Banner, Rogers, Lang, and Stark travel to New York City in 2012, during the first assault on the city by Thanos’ forces in the original Avengers movie. Banner manages to convince The Ancient One that Doctor Strange had a reason for giving up the Time Stone to Thanos. She grants Banner the Stone in this time after he promises to return it to this moment and close off the loop, preventing the creation of multiple alternate universes.

Rogers successfully retrieves the Mind Stone, in the form of Loki’s scepter, by not only fighting his former self but pretending to be a HYDRA agent in league with Brock Rumlow and Jasper Sitwell.

Lang and Stark fail to retrieve the Space Stone, in the form of the Tesseract, and Loki manages to escape captivity with it

May 6 The cleanup from the Battle of New York begins. Citizens begin to gather bits and pieces of the alien tech, taking it either as trophies or for other purposes. To prevent this, Tony Stark and the federal government reformed the U.S. Department of Damage Control, which puts private salvage contractors like Adrian Toomes out of business. Toomes, however, takes this opportunity to pilfer more alien technology and put it to criminal purposes.

May 9 Phil Coulson is resurrected at the Guest House, the painful process has the agent begging the surgeons to let him die & necessitating the implantation of false memories, like Tahiti. 

Jul 10 Scott Lang is fired from Vistacorp for fixing what he believed was a code error that was illegally overcharging customers.

Jul 12 Lang then breaks into Vistacorp Headquarters to return $4 million of the ill-gotten money to customers. He also breaks into his former boss’ mansion to steal his possessions and drive his car into the pool.

Jul 13 Lang is arrested and sentenced to five years in San Quentin.

Aug 19 A fourth “Mandarin bombing” occurs.

Dec 18 The fifth “Mandarin bombing” occurs. Tony Stark tests his Mark XLII armor as his Iron Legion project causes friction between him and Pepper. 

Dec 19 Mandarin bombs both Ali Al Salem Air Base & the TCL Chinese Theater, which explodes when Jack Taggert succumbs to Extremis’ effects. Happy is caught in the blast but survives.

Dec 22 Stark’s mansion is destroyed by the Mandarin.

Dec 25 After discovering Killian’s plan, Stark & his Iron Legion save an Extremis-infected Pepper Potts (who didn’t need much saving after all) while Rhodes rescues the kidnapped President.

Dec 27 Pepper’s Extremis effects are neutralized. Stark has the last of the shrapnel near his heart surgically removed, throwing the old, obsolete Arc Reactor into the sea. Stark has the Iron Legion destroyed.

2013 - 2015: Phase Two: Age of Ultron


Jan 30 Carl Lucas is set up by Willis Stryker and sentenced to Seagate Prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

Feb 15 Carl Lucas meets his therapist, Reva Connors.

Aug Matt Murdock turns down permanent positions at law firm Landman and Zack, but also commits his first act of vigilantism by beating up his child-abusing neighbor.

Aug 5 Carl Lucas undergoes an experiment at Seagate Prison that grants him super-strength and impenetrable skin, allowing him to break out of prison that same night. Reva meets him at a motel and they continue their relationship, though he now goes by Luke Cage.

Sept 8 Nick Fury gives Coulson command of the Bus.

Sept 9 Centipede Project test subject Michael Peterson saves a woman from an exploded building, earning the moniker “Hooded Hero.” A day later, he’s apprehended by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who hope to stabilize his Extremis virus that comprised the Centipede serum. 

Sept 18 Agent Grant Ward begins training Skye to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Sept 27 Jessica Jones is forced to wear a sandwich costume for her job at a bad sandwich shop and manages to save a kid from being hit by a car.

Sept 28 Carl Lucas marries Reva Connors

Sept 29 Kilgrave places Jessica Jones under his mind control, a kidnapping that lasts for months.

Oct 15 Frank Castle receives his medal of honor for his service as a marine in Afghanistan.

Nov 9 The Convergence begins.

Nov 11  Thor leads the Asgardians in the Battle of Vanaheim and defeats the Marauders. Thor then heads to Earth to locate Jane Foster who has become infected with the power of the Aether. Thor brings Jane to Asgard for treatment, against his father’s wishes, but the reappearance of Aether itself awakens Malekith and his army from a 5,000 year slumber.

Nov 12 Malekith and Algrim kill Thor’s mother, Frigga. Against his father’s wishes yet again, Thor plots to free Loki in order to find a way to defeat the Dark Elves and take his revenge.

Nov 14 While Loki uses his magic to trick Odin into claiming the throne, Thor and his human allies defeat Malekith and the Dark Elves at the Battle of Greenwich.

Nov 16 Thor refuses the throne of Asgard from Odin (who’s actually Loki in disguise) and chooses to remain on Earth, while Sif and Volstagg meet the Collector to deliver the Aether to him for safe keeping. Unbeknownst to them, he then tasks Gamora with finding the Orb in order to collect more Infinity Stones.

Avengers: Endgame 2013

Meanwhile, Rocket and Thor travel to Asgard in 2013, during the events of Thor: The Dark World, to retrieve the Reality Stone by extracting it from an “infected” Jane Foster. Thor has a heart to heart with his mother before her untimely death and manages to summon his former weapon, Mjolnir, discovering that he’s still worthy.

Dec 5 Michael Peterson awakes after suffering horrific injuries to find himself missing a leg, but now sporting a Backscatter X-Ray Eye implant, under the employ of the Clairvoyant.

Dec 18 Ten Rings agent Jackson Norris infiltrates Seagate Prison and kidnaps Trevor Slattery to deliver him to the real Mandarin.


Shang-Chi flees to America after being tasked to kill his mother's killer, after killing the Iron Gang leader he is traumatized and chooses not to return.

Jan 20 Under Kilgrave’s control, Jessica Jones kills Reva Connors.

Jan 23 Jessica Jones escapes Kilgrave’s control following a car accident, presuming him dead. Kilgrave survives, however, and forces Jack Denton to donate his kidneys which Dr. David Kurata transplants into Kilgrave without anesthesia.

Feb 6 Coulson discovers the Kree body in the Guest House, which is destroyed after Skye is healed of her gunshot wounds.

Feb 12 Lorelei arrives on Earth and is followed by Sif, on Odin/Loki’s orders, who attempts to apprehend her.

Feb 19 Sif and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. defeat Lorelei and Sif returns to Asgard.

Mar 31 Phil Coulson and other agents discuss possible identities of the entity known as the Clairvoyant. 

Steve Rogers meets Sam Wilson during a morning run in Washington, D.C. (On your left.) 

Captain America and Black Widow lead S.H.I.E.L.D.’s STRIKE team in retaking the Lemurian Star and rescuing hostages; Captain America fights and defeats Batroc the Leaper while Black Widow downloads information from the ship’s computers.

Apr 1 Steve Rogers confronts Nick Fury about the espionage and learns of Project Insight. He later visits an ailing Peggy Carter and attends Sam Wilson’s counseling session. 

Nick Fury is attacked by Winter Soldier. Captain America pursues assassin while Agent 13/Sharon Carter gets Fury to hospital, where he appears to die while undergoing surgery. 

Apr 2 Captain America is attacked by members of STRIKE and goes on the run with Black Widow. Together they learn the truth of the Winter Soldier’s history and of HYDRA’s existence within S.H.I.E.L.D. before the Camp Lehigh bunker is destroyed.

Apr 4 Captain America, Black Widow, and the Falcon take on the members of HYDRA who have infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., including the high-ranking Alexander Pierce. Along with the not-actually-dead Nick Fury and Maria Hill, they take out the three helicarriers HYDRA had planned to use to neutralize over 715,000 potential threats to their organization. 

After a brutal fight that damages the Triskelion, the Winter Soldier begins to remember his past as Bucky Barnes and pulls an unconscious Captain America from the Potomac River. 

With HYDRA’s infiltration exposed to the public, a series of battles take place between the double agents and the S.H.I.E.L.D. faithful before the agency itself is labeled a terrorist organization by the federal government.

Apr 9 Coulson and his agents defeat John Garrett. 

Fury appoints Coulson as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and grants him the Toolbox which points him to their new facility, the Playground.

Apr 11 Wolfgang von Strucker assures his HYDRA personnel that their work will continue despite recent events. He observes Pietro & Wanda Maximoff practicing their “miraculous” abilities.

July 31 The Kree and Nova Empires sign a peace treaty, ending the long war between them. Ronan the Accuser refuses to submit to the terms and is labeled a terrorist. 

Aug 1 Star-Lord travels solo to Morag to take possession of the Orb, but is attacked by Korath the Pursuer and Sakaaran mercenaries. 

Quill flees and informs Yondu that he’s breaking off from the ravagers, which results in a bounty placed on Quill’s head. 

Ronan sends Gamora after Quill and the Orb.

Avengers: Endgame 2014

On Morag in 2014, during the events of the original Guardians of the Galaxy film, Nebula and Rhodes take the Power Stone in its Orb container before Peter Quill can do the same. Rhodes returns to the present with the Power Stone but Nebula trapped; he cybernetic implants begin interacting with those of her 2014 self, causing that time period’s Thanos to learn of his future success and also the Avengers’ plans to negate it. Future Nebula is captured by Thanos and Gamora, and is subjected to torture by Ebony Maw. While the Avengers gather the Infinity Stones from across time and space, Thanos sends his disguised daughter Nebula to the future in order to claim them for him.

At the same time, Barton and Romanoff travel to Vormir and meet the Soul Stone’s keeper, the Red Skull. After a back and forth battle of sorts, Natasha ends up sacrificing herself so that Clint can bring the Soul Stone back to the future.

Aug 2 After Gamora attacks Quill and steals the orb, and once Rocket Raccoon and Groot attempt to capture Quill in order to claim the bounty, they’re all apprehended by Nova Corps and imprisoned at the Kyln. 

In the prison, they meet Drax the Destroyer who attempts to kill Gamora as vengeance for the death of his wife and daughter at Ronan’s hands. They work together to escape the Kyln the following day, but are now pursued by Ronan and Nebula. 

At Knowhere, the group learns of the Orb’s power from the Collector, but the Infinity Stone it contains soon falls into Ronan’s hands. Ronan betrays Thanos, with Nebula at his side, and uses the stone for himself.

Aug 4 The Ravagers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Nova Corps worth together to defeat Ronan. 

The Infinity Stone is given to Nova Corps for protection.

Sept 10 Nebula is apprehended by the Sovereign while attempting to steal Anulax Batteries.

Sept 19 Brock Rumlow awakens from his coma, attacks his nurse, and escapes the hospital.

Oct 17 The Guardians of the Galaxy are hired by Ayesha of the Sovereign to defeat the battery-eating Abilisk. Their reward for doing so is the release of Nebula. 

Rocket Raccoon steals some of the Anulax Batteries, leading to a skirmish with the Sovereign fleet. 

Ego saves them from destruction and introduces himself (and Mantis) to them when they crash-land on the planet Berhert. 

On Contraxia, Yondu’s expulsion from the Ravagers for child trafficking is publicly restated by Stakar Ogord. Ayesha arrives and hires Yondu to capture the Guardians.

Oct 19 Yondu, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Kraglin kill the mutineers and escape the Eclector. 

Gamora, Drax and Nebula learn of Ego’s plan from Mantis, just as Peter Quill hears it from Ego himself. Quill uses his access to Celestial power to battle his father while the other Guardians manage to destroy the heart of Ego’s power. 

Yondu sacrifices himself in order to save Quill. He receives a traditional Ravagers funeral, restoring honor to his memory. Stakar reunites with his former teammates Charlie-27, Aleta Ogord, Mainframe, and Krugarr. 

Oct 25 Adam Warlock is created by Ayesha as the perfect weapon to take down the Guardians.


Jan 11 Bobbi Morse rescues an undercover Jemma Simmons from the HYDRA Laboratories.

Jan 12 Matt Murdock, having recently confessed his sins and begged pardon for his future activities, decides to become a force for good in Hell’s Kitchen, becoming the vigilante, Daredevil. He saves three women from being kidnapped by Turk Barrett and his men.

Jan 13 Karen Page is accused of killing Daniel Fisher. Murdock and Nelson are hired to defend her.

Jan 18 Badly injured, Daredevil is tended to by Claire Temple for the first time. He later survives a brutal battle in order to rescue a kidnapped boy.

Jan 30 Daredevil & Stick attack Nobu Yoshioka’s men while they are receiving delivery of the Black Sky, a young boy. Daredevil prevents Stick from killing the boy, but only temporarily.

Feb 2 Wilson Fisk publicly announces his intention to rid Hell’s Kitchen of the criminal element, sabotaging Murdock and Ben Urich’s plans to expose the mobster.

Feb 4 After barely surviving a duel against Yoshioka, daredevil narrowly escapes death at the hands of Wilson Fisk. 

Foggy Nelson learns of Daredevil’s identity while Claire Temple patches him up, once again.

Feb 8 Daredevil encounters Madame Gao while infiltrating the Steel Serpent drug manufacturing and distribution warehouse. 

Ben Urich is assassinated by Fisk.

Feb 14 After being arrested by FBI, Wilson Fisk’s men free him, but Daredevil (in his new suit from Melvin Potter) duels Fisk in Hell’s Kitchen, & defeats him. Fisk is apprehended by NYPD.

Mar 7 An attack on the United Nations Headquarters is carried out by HYDRA operatives claiming to be operating under the orders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Mar 10 Jessica Jones takes a case tracking down the missing Hope Shlottman. 

Jones meets local bar owner Luke Cage and the two have a one-night stand, but Jones quickly leaves when she sees Reva Connors’ picture in his apartment.

Mar 11 Jones finds Hope and rescues her, but since Hope was under the influence of Kilgrave, she shoots her own parents.

Mar 12 Jones starts to investigate Kilgrave’s activity once again, inspired by the radio show of her adopted sister, Trish Walker.

Mar 14 A brawl at Luke’s bar reveals to Luke Cage and Jessica Jones that each other have powers.

Mar 29 Jessica Jones, Trish Walker, and Will Simpsons successfully subdue Kilgrave, but he’s freed by his bodyguards.

Mar 31 The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. battle HYDRA agents in Kree City, where Skye and Raina’s Inhuman abilities are revealed by Terrigen Mist. Antoine Triplett dies in the process.

Apr 3 Frank Castle finishes his last tour of duty and heads home to New York City.

Apr 4 Castle and his family are caught in a mob firefight in Central Park. He survives with only a gunshot to his hand, but his wife and daughter are killed.

Apr 8 Kilgrave attempts to win Jessica Jones’ affections by purchasing her childhood home and showing her tapes of his own childhood in which his unethical parents experimented on him. Jones manages to drug Kilgrave and escape both his bodyguards and those who want to kill him.

Apr 13 Under Kilgrave’s thrall, Luke Cage destroys his own bar. Jessica Jones comes to his rescue, but the two soon fight since Luke is still under Kilgrave’s influence.

Apr 15 Now resistant to Kilgrave’s powers, Jessica Jones tricks the mind-controlling villain into letting his guard down. She snaps his neck, killing him. Jones is then taken to prison but is soon freed by Jeri Hogarth.

Apr 28 The Avengers assemble to raid HYDRA’s main research base in Sokovia. They interact with the twins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff but manage to succeed in their mission to liberate the Scepter and take Wolfgang von Strucker into custody, ending the War on HYDRA. 

They return to Avengers Tower where Tony Stark and Bruce Banner discover an artificial intelligence hidden within the Scepter, which they opt to use for Stark’s peacekeeping Ultron Program.

May 2 During a celebratory party at Avengers Tower, Ultron becomes sentient, determines that the human race is volatile and self-destructive, and attempts to destroy J.A.R.V.I.S. before forming a body for itself out of parts of Stark’s new Iron Legion suits. 

Ultron introduces himself to the Avengers and uses the Iron Legion drones to attack them. They defeat the drones and Thor destroys Ultron’s body, but his AI inhabits a remaining suit and flees with the Scepter. 

Ultron flies to the Sokovia base and builds an army of drones to control. He also wins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff to his cause since they seek vengeance on Tony Stark due to the death of their parents in an attack which used Stark weaponry. 

Ultron also assassinates Wolfang von Strucker.

May 3 The Avengers attempt to prevent Ultron from securing vibranium from Ulysses Klaue (who loses an arm due to an angry Ultron) in South Africa, but are stymied by Wanda’s mind-altering powers. 

Hulk goes on a rampage in Johannesburg due to these visions and Tony Stark summons the Hulkbuster armor to defeat him after a lengthy battle. 

The team goes into hiding after this terrifying and destructive public display while Thor goes off in search of answers to his own visions, leading him to discover the existence of the Infinity Stones and the Scepter’s Mind Stone.

May 5 The Avengers, joined by the Maximoff twins who have learned of Ultron’s true plans to destroy the human race, arrive in Seoul, South Korea to stop Ultron from completing his vibranium body. They secure the robot body, but lose Romanoff to Ultron. 

Stark and Banner attempt to upload the remaining J.A.R.V.I.S. program into the synthetic body which houses the mind stone in its forehead. With Thor’s assistance, Vision is born. He proves his worthiness by lifting Mjølnir and handing it to Thor before siding with the Avengers against Ultron. 

Stark uploads a new A.I. named F.R.I.D.A.Y. into his Mark XLV armor.

May 6 The Avengers head to Sokovia for a final showdown against Ultron and to rescue Black Widow, while S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrive to evacuate citizens of the now-floating city. 

Pietro Maximoff sacrifices himself to save Hawkeye and a young Sokovian boy. 

Hulk tosses Ultron from the hijacked Quinjet, but then sets the autopilot for an unknown destination to keep from endangering the team anymore. For two years, Banner remains in Hulk form, winding up on the planet Sakaar and battling in gladiatorial combat as the Grandmaster’s champion. 

Wanda Maximoff rips out Ultron’s core and Vision destroys the final Ultron sentry containing the insane A.I. 

The Avengers prevent an extinction-level event that would have been caused by Sokovia crashing to Earth, but the son of Miriam Sharpe and Helmut Zemo’s family die in the battle.

May 8 The New Avengers Facility breaks ground in New York. 

Jonathan Pangborn heads to Kamar-Taj to find a cure for his injuries.

May 9 Thanos retrieves his Infinity Gauntlet, sans Infinity Stones, and vows, “I’ll do it myself.” 

Coulson loses his hand during the retaking of the Illiad. 

Terrigen Crystals dissolve in the world’s oceans and make their way into fish oil pills …

May 16 Jemma Simmons is swallowed up by the Monolith and winds up on an alien planet known as Maveth.

May 28 The New Avengers facility officially opens (in record time), but Hawkeye returns to his wife and newborn son, Stark appears to retire, Banner is AWOL, and Thor is pursuing answers to his visions on Asgard. Captain America and Black Widow prepare to train the New Avengers: Vision, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, and War Machine.

Jun 1 Luke Cage starts working at Pop’s Barber Shop.

Jul 13 Senate hearings for Sokovia relief efforts begin.

Jul 16 Stark Industries announce new scholarships.

Jul 17 Scott Lang is released from prison and gets a job at Baskin-Robbins. 

Darren Cross presents his Yellowjacket suit during a meeting with Pym Technologies and other companies while also privately revealing to Hank Pym that he knows of his past as Ant-Man. Pym plans to put a stop to Cross’ efforts.

Jul 20 Scott Lang is fired from Baskin-Robbins and kicked out of his daughter’s birthday party. He signs on to a heist job.

Jul 23 Having successfully pulled of the heist, Lang tries on the suit he found in the home’s safe. He tries it out, shrinking him down to size and hearing Hank Pym’s voice in the suit. 

When Lang tries to return the suit, he’s arrested and sent back to prison. Here he meets Pym in person for the first time and learns that the older man orchestrated the whole heist. An ant delivers the Ant-Man suit to Lang on Pym’s behalf, allowing him to escape prison.

Jul 29 Lang masters the suit’s abilities and combat training thanks to assistance from Pym and Hope van Dyne.

Jul 30 Lang battles Falcon at the New Avengers facility and manages to steal a device that will help him to liberate the Yellowjacket suit.

Jul 31 Lang infiltrates Pym Technologies HQ and battles Cross, who dons the Yellowjacket suit. The battle continues at Lang’s ex-wife’s house in his daughter’s bedroom where Cross is defeated. His plans to sell his tech to HYDRA are foiled when Cross is killed by Lang shrinking into the Quantum Realm to destroy the suit. 

Lang figures out a way to emerge from the Quantum Realm, but forgets it upon his sudden enlargement.

Aug 4 Hank Pym presents Hope van Dyne with a new Wasp suit.

Aug 23 Groot is now “adolescent” in maturity level and size, making Peter Quill appreciate how tough Yondu’s role as guardian really was.

Sept 13th A disillusioned Kaecilius confronts the Ancient One

Sept 15th Kaecilius forms the Zealots and rebels against the Ancient One with the aim of performing rituals found in the Book of Cagliostro.

Oct 13th Kaecilius and the Zealots break into the Kamar-Taj library, decapitate the librarian, and steal pages from the Book of Cagliostro. The Ancient One pursues them as they hop through portals to London, trapping them in the Mirror Dimension, but is unable to prevent Kaecilius' escape.

Oct 21 Members of the Dogs of Hell biker gang are killed by a mysterious attacker.

Oct 28 Gunfire tears apart the Burren Club where the Kitchen Irish were meeting. Only Grotto survives. 

Frank Castle attempts to finish his hit on Grotto, but the man is saved by Karen Page. Daredevil intervenes but is concussed and wounded during a rooftop fight.

Oct 29 Castle goes after Grotto again but is once again foiled by Daredevil. However, Castle is able to take Daredevil hostage in the process. 

Daredevil escapes his chains but Castle kills Grotto anyway and forces Daredevil to fight against the Dogs of Hell biker gang in order to flee.

Nov 1 The Kitchen Irish kidnap and torture Castle, now known as the Punisher. 

Daredevil learns of Castle’s family during a conversation in St. Michael’s Cemetery. 

Elektra Natchios returns asking for Matt Murdock’s help.

Nov 2 Daredevil and Elektra defeat the Yakuza who ambush them at Elektra’s penthouse.

Nov 15 Luke Cage defends Connie and Jin Lin from thugs attempting to extort them, though he busts up Genghis Connie’s in the fight.

Nov 16 Pop’s Barber Shop is shot up and Pops dies.

Nov 17 Frank Castle is imprisoned on Ryker’s Island and wastes no time in attempting to kill Dutton after getting the information that he needed from him. Double-crossed by Wilson Fisk, Castle also manages to kill all of Dutton’s allies before being subdued by prison guards. He soon escapes prison. 

Daredevil investigates a Hand facility in which children are being drained of their blood. He discovers that Yoshioka is still alive. 

Luke Cage smashes his way through the Crispus Attucks complex and steals the ill-gotten money. 

Cottonmouth blows up Genghis Connie’s but fails to kill Luke Cage in the process.

Nov 18 The Hand attack Metro-General Hospital and retrieve the children they had been draining of blood.

Nov 21 Sam Wilson searches for Ant-Man and hears stories about Spider-Man in the process. 

Daredevil and Elektra take on the vast numbers of the Hand and are assisted by Punisher and Stick. Elektra dies in the battle, however.

Nov 27 A monstrous Inhuman known as Lash arrives, one of many new Inhumans transformed by the Terrigen Mist.

Nov 29 After 4,722 hours, Simmons is finally rescued from Maveth and returns to Earth.

Nov 30 Mariah Dillard kills Cottonmouth. 

Willis Stryker, a.k.a. Diamondback, wounds Luke Cage with a Judas Bullet.

Dec 1st Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider.

Dec 3 Luke Cage duels Diamondback (now in his power suit) through the streets of Harlem. Luke Cage is arrested for his escape from Seagate Prison, though Claire Temple mentions a lawyer she knows who might help him.

Dec 10th Peter Parker decides to use his new abilities to protect people as Spider-Man.

Dec 23 Elektra’s funeral is held. Nelson and Murdock close their tab at Josie’s Bar.

Dec 24 Frank Castle returns home and burns it to the ground, but not before retrieving a disc labeled “Micro.”

Dec 25 Matt Murdock reveals his identity as Daredevil to Karen Page. 

Elektra is revealed to be the next incarnation of Black Sky.

2016 - 2023: Phase Three: Endgame


Ruby Hale attends the same boarding school as her Mother (General Hale) and starts training to become the ‘Destroyer of Worlds’. 

Jan 31st 

Coulson presumably kills Ward during a fight on Maveth.

Ward's corpse is reanimated by It, the parasitic Inhuman also known as Hive and Alveus.

Feb 2nd 

Doctor Stephen Strange survives a terrible car crash, but his hands are irreparably damaged.

Mar 16th 

The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. covertly order drinks for Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse at a bar as part of a "spy's goodbye."

May 3rd 

Video surfaces of Spider-Man preventing a car from crashing into a bus.

Thaddeus Ross becomes Secretary of State.

Crossbones, a.k.a. Brock Rumlow, assaults the Institute for Infectious Disease in Lagos, Nigeria in order to steal a biological weapon. Captain America, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Black Widow stop him.

Crossbones detonates a suicide bomb, but the blast is contained by Scarlet Witch. Unfortunately, the explosion also damages a building and kills civilians, including Wakandan aid relief workers.

Tony Stark's M.I.T. speech ends with him being approached by Miriam Sharpe, a grieving mother who blames him for her son's death in Sokovia.

The technology Tony uses for the presentation, which can project memories through holograms and which he dubs B.A.R.F. (Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing), was actually the life's work of Quentin Beck. Beck was later fired by Stark for being unstable. He'd hold a grudge for nearly a decade, taking on the Mysterio persona and leading a team of fellow disgruntled scientists in getting revenge against Stark's protege, Spider-Man.

The UN releases the Sokovia Accords following deliberation over the attack in Lagos.

May 4th

Stephen Strange arrives in Kathmandu in search of Kamar-Taj and meets Karl Mordo. He then meets the Ancient One who gives him a bedroom and allows him to begin his studies.

May 5th

Stark signs the Sokovia Accords, registering him under the control of the federal government. He believes control and restriction of the Avengers will prevent needless destruction and death.

May 6th

Kaecilius and his Zealots successfully contact Dormammu.

May 9th

Strange first successfully uses his Sling Ring.

June 11th

Lash attacks Hive and frees Daisy Johnson from his sway.

June 18th

Yelena Belova is freed from her Red Room mind control on a mission. She goes on the run, mailing the Red Dust to Budapest.

Peggy Carter dies peacefully in her sleep.

June 19th

Wakandan king T'Chaka publicly supports the Sokovia Accords.

The Avengers are given three days to sign the accords or they will be forced to resign. Romanoff, Rhodes, and Vision side with Stark, while Wilson and Maximoff disagree and side with Rogers.

Helmut Zero tortures a HYDRA agent for information regarding the trigger words used to manipulate the Winter Soldier.

June 22nd

Sharon Carter delivers a eulogy at Peggy Carter's funeral in London, revealing that she's Peggy's niece.

Romanoff meets T'Challa, son of T'Chaka, during the signing of the accords in Vienna, but are interrupted by a terrorist bombing orchestrated by Helmut Zemo. T'Chaka dies in the blast and Zemo flees to Berlin.

Jeffrey Mace is caught on camera during the bombing and is inadvertently labeled a hero by the media.

Bucky Barnes is blamed for the bombing. T'Challa, a.k.a. Black Panther, swears vengeance on him, while Rogers and Wilson head to Bucharest to reach the Winter Soldier first.

Daisy leaves S.H.I.E.L.D. and becomes the vigilante known as Quake.

June 23rd

War Machine arrests Captain America, Black Panther, and the Winter Soldier in Bucharest after a tense battle. They arrive at the Joint Counter-Terrorist Centre along with Sam Wilson.

Helmut Zemo infiltrates the facility and triggers the Winter Soldier, forcing him to divulge the details of a secret mission and the HYDRA Siberian Facility where he was held. He then orders the Winter Soldier to attack Rogers, Sharon Carter, Black Widow, and even the Black Panther before fleeing.

Upon recapturing Bucky, Captain American learns that Zemo likely plans to thaw out the other Winter Soldiers. Rogers calls on Hawkeye and recruits Ant-Man for help. Hawkeye breaks Scarlet Witch out of the New Avengers compound to join the team; she uses her powers to subdue Vision temporarily.

Stark and Black Widow, meanwhile, call in Black Panther, War Machine, and Spider-Man, whom Stark gifts a scholarship and a new costume.

June 24th

The battle at Flughafen Leipzig-Halle airport occurs between the heroes with Captain America, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Winter Soldier taking on Iron Man, War Machine, Vision, Spider-Man, Black Widow, and Black Panther.

The airport is substantially damaged in the battle and War Machine becomes paralyzed from a fall. Captain America and Winter Soldier manage to escape and fly to Siberia to defeat Zemo thanks to Black Widow switching sides. Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and Ant-Man are arrested.

Stark is alerted to Zemo's frame-up, learns of his own mistake, and visits the imprisoned Avengers to learn of Captain America's plan to stop the villain from Falcon, promising to go to Siberia as an ally. Black Panther covertly tracks Iron Man on his journey to seek revenge on the Winter Soldier.

At the HYDRA facility, Captain America, Winter Soldier, and Iron Man temporarily put their differences aside to defeat Zemo, but they discover that the remaining Winter Soldiers have all been killed by Zemo. He reveals his plan to tear the Avengers apart due to their role in the death of his family. Black Panther overhears this, and withdraws from the impending battle. He later spares Zemo's life and prevents him from committing suicide so that he can head to prison.

Zemo reveals the Winter Soldier's hand in the death of Stark's parents and Iron Man attacks both Bucky and Captain America. Winter Soldier's metal arm is lost and Iron Man's Arc Reactor is damaged, making his armor useless. Captain America leaves his shield behind since it was created by Stark's father and "he doesn't deserve it" as Stark says.

T'Challa delivers Zemo to the Joint Counter-Terrorist Centre in Berlin, accompanied by Rogers and Barnes who fly with him to Wakanda.

June 25th

Everett Ross taunts the imprisoned Zemo.

Natasha is now on the run for violating the Sokovia Accords with General Thaddeus Ross chasing her. These events play out in Black Widow. While technically Black Widow is a part of Phase Four, for the sake of the timeline, we are placing it where it goes chronologically in June of 2016.

Yelena then sends vials of this antidote to Natasha in Budapest, hoping she can free the remaining Widows still under the mind control, before going into hiding. Natasha is then attacked by the Taskmaster. She manages to escape.

June 26th

Peter Parker is returned home from Berlin by Tony Stark, in time for school.

June 27th

Natasha and Yelena are reunited. They are attacked by Taskmaster but manage to escape.

June 28th

Natasha and Yelena go to break Alexei Shostakov AKA Red Guardian out of the Seventh Circle Prison. They go pay a visit to former Widow Melina Vostokoff. Melina initially turns them in, though Natasha convinces her to join their mission.

The two swap places, allowing Natasha to infiltrate the infamous Red Room where all her troubles began. At the aerial facility, she frees her friends and they attempt to take on the Taskmaster.

It is then revealed that the villain is actually Antonia, the daughter of the Russian general Natasha bombed in 2008. She was grievously injured, leading her father to modify her with technology that turned her into a weapon.

A battle ensues though the gang manages to get out alive. They part ways, Natasha to go work with the Avengers once more.

June 29th

Believe it or not, the events of Black Panther occur roughly one week after King T'Chaka's death. Returning home to Wakanda to assume the throne after T'Chaka's assassination, T'Challa first travels with Dora Milaje General Okoye (Danai Gurira) to liberate his ex-lover Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) from her undercover mission in order to have her by his side at the impending coronation ceremony.

June 30th

Erik Stevens AKA Killmonger robs the Museum of Great Britain taking an item that is made of vibrainium, in his company is Ulysses Klaue.

At the ceremony, T'Challa is challenged by the Jabari Tribe leader M'Baku (Winston Duke), but emerges victorious and lets M'Baku live.

T'Challa takes the Heart-Shaped Herb and enters the Ancestral Plane where he sees his father again.

July 1st - 2nd

Now Black Panther in earnest, T'Challa learns of the whereabouts of Ulysses Klaue and heads to South Korea in order to apprehend him. Though they're successful, with the help/hindrance of the CIA's Everett K. Ross, the usurper known as Killmonger breaks Klaue out of the CIA Black Site. Ross takes a bullet in the process.

July 3rd

They take Ross back to Wakanda to heal him.

Killmonger appears at the border of Wakanda with Klaue's body in tow. After freeing him, he killed him and used him as proof of his goodwill to enter Wakanda.

It's soon revealed to T'Challa and the Tribal Counsel that King T'Chaka killed his own brother and orphaned his nephew. That nephew is Killmonger, who returns to his ancestral nation in order to challenge T'Challa to the throne.

July 4th

Killmonger defeats T'Challa and assumes the title and the power of Black Panther, throwing the defeated king from the waterfall.

Killmonger takes the heart-shaped herb and arrives in the Ancestral Plane that appears like his apartment in Oakland. He meets N'Jobu.

Killmonger orders the destruction of the remaining Heart-Shaped Herbs and the delivery of Vibranium weapons to War Dogs waiting in New York, London, and Hong Kong.

Queen Ramonda, Nakia, Shuri, and a healed Ross journey to the Jabari lands to request aide from M'Baku, only to find a comatose T'Challa laid to rest on ice. He's revived with the sole remaining Heart-Shaped Herb and leads the revolt against Killmonger and his newly won allies.

July 6th

T'Challa's family and friends defeat the uprising with T'Challa himself mortally wounding Killmonger, who decides to die a free man rather than be healed and imprisoned. T'Challa sits with his cousin while the sun sets over a briefly divided and soon-to-begin-healing nation of Wakanda.

July 10th

Stark arrives at the New Avengers facility and assists Rhodes in his physical therapy.

A letter from Rogers apologizes for everything that happened between them and a phone gives Stark access to Rogers and his team should the need arise.

Rogers frees his imprisoned teammates from the Raft. Ross informs Stark, who simply puts the Secretary of State on hold.

Around this time, Rogers and Barnes head to Wakanda.

July 11th

Scott Lang and Clint Barton strike deals with the FBI for violating the Sokovia Accords. Lang must be under house arrest for 2 years and then have 3 years of probation. Meanwhile, Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne are on the run from the law due to the Sokovia Accords. Rather than sign on for government oversight, they shrank the lab itself down and went into hiding.

July 20th

T'Challa and Shuri arrive in Oakland, CA where it's revealed that T'Challa has purchased extensive property in the area with the goal of establishing an outreach center, run by Nakia, and a technological R&D facility, headed by Shuri. They make their tech clear to both the local Oakland youth and to people on the world stage, starting with the United Nations, finally emerging from their self-imposed isolation.

July 24th

Bucky and Steve arrive in Wakanda where Bucky is frozen until they can figure out how to undo his brainwashing.

September 21st

Jeffrey Mace goes through the Project Patriot program to improve public perception of the Inhuman race.

September 23rd

Peter Parker ditches the Midtown High School Homecoming dance in order to take down the Vulture, a.k.a. Adrian Toomes.

September 25th

Jeffrey Mace becomes director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Man or Mandarin: The Trevor Slattery Story airs on TV

September 26th

Peter is discovered by Aunt May in his Spider-Man suit.

November 6th

6 months after retiring the Punisher title, Frank Castle works in construction and leads a quiet life.

November 11th

Dinah Madani goes to Anvil where she meets Billy Russo, a former soldier in Frank Castle's unit and also, secretly, a part of the plan to kill Castle and his family.

Castle and Karen Page reunite, she tells him that Micro's name is David Lieberman.

November 24th

Castle reunites with Russo, but while Castle thinks that Russo is still his old friend, he is actually working with William Rawlins, the man who ordered the hit on Frank and his family.

November 29th

Madani's partner Sam Stein is kiilled during an ambush. Madani finds him but he is unable to tell her that it was Russo, the man who she has been in a sexual relationship with, who killed him. Later, Russo goes to Madani's apartment and helps her wash Stein's blood off of her.

December 11th

Frank Castle is confirmed publicly by the news to be alive.

December 12th

Lewis Wilson attacks Senator Ori, takes Page hostage. Madani realizes the truth about Russo. Together, Castle and Page incapacitate Wilson. Wilson kills himself and Castle escapes with Page's help. Castle also learns of Russo's betrayal.

December 14th-16th

Castle kills Rawlins and goes after Russo for his involvement in the death of his family. After many firefights, the two return to the location where Castle's family dies and Castle defeats Russo, crushing his face against a broken carousel mirror and maiming him.

December 19th

Thanks to Madani, while Frank Castle is technically still at large, Pete Castiglione (Castle's cover name) has his freedom as long as he stays quiet.

December 15th

Dr. Holden Radcliffe brings his artificial intelligence Aida to life using a Life-Model Decoy body.

December 26th

Bucky Barnes wakes up in a Wakandan hut where he is greeted by Shuri and they talk about his recovery.


January 18th

Strange learns of the power of the Eye of Agamotto as Kaecilius and his Zealots destroy the London Sanctum and those defending it. Strange becomes trapped in the Sanctum Sanctorum and defends it as best he can, assisted by the Cloak of Levitation and artifacts like the Rotunda of Gateways, the Brazier of Bom'Galiath, and the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.

Strange is wounded and travels to Metro-General Hospital so that Christine Palmer can save his life while he gives her direction (and duels the Zealot Lucian) from the astral plane.

Returning to the Sanctum Sanctorum, he's granted the position of protector of the Sanctum by the Ancient One, but when he challenges her on the topic of pulling energy from the Dark Dimension, she flees.

Kaecilius returns to finish the job and Strange pulls everyone into the Mirror Dimension. The Ancient One saves Strange and Mordo, but suffers a mortal wound in the process.

Despite getting the Ancient One to the hospital, she dies, but not before warning Strange of the dangers of Dormammu.

March 19th

The battle at the Hong Kong sanctum goes poorly until Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto to reverse time, save the Sanctum's Masters from death, and undo the destruction to the city. Kaecilius breaks free of the spell and manages to summon Dormammu's Dark Dimension anyway since it is "beyond time.'

Strange travels into the Dark Dimension and creates a time loop that eventually forces Dormammu to bargain with the sorcerer after many, many, many deaths.

Strange ends the loop only after Dormammu banishes himself from Earth along with Kaecilius and the Zealots, who he transforms into Mindless Ones and pulls into the Dark Dimension.

Mordo leaves the Masters of the Mystic Arts, disillusioned by The Ancient One's reveal.

Strange returns the Eye of Agamotto to Kamar-Taj before taking up his role as protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York.

March 2nd

Cellphone video captures Ghost Rider driving away in the Hell Charger.

agents-of-shield-ghost-rider-robbie-reyes-gabriel-lunaImage via ABC

March 16th

Ghost Rider sightings increase and the people of Los Angeles regard him as a vigilante.

March 19th

Quake and Ghost Rider duel in the junkyard.

April 4th

Ghost Rider frees Eli Morrow from South Ridge Penitentiary, but loses him when his rage takes over and he kills Santino Noguera of the Fifth Street Locos.

April 12th

Melinda May is replaced with a Life-Model Decoy as part of Aida's plans.

April 13th

Aida is beheaded, but another version of Aida talks with Radcliffe at their home, where it's revealed that the first Aida had been programmed to steal the Darkhold.

April 16th

May keeps attempting to escape the Framework simulation, which soon includes Kitsworth, Coulson, Fitz, Simmons, Mackenzie, Johnson and Rodriguez.

The Framework features an alternate history that ranges from HYDRA's founding in 400 CE to Skye and Ward's relationship in the late April, 2017.

May 12th

Robbie Reyes transfers the Ghost Rider power to Coulson who makes a deal with the Spirit of Vengeance in exchange for killing Aida.

Mackenzie and Rodriguez finally decide to leave the simulation, waking up on Zephyr One.

Ghost Rider uses his Hellfire Chain to open a portal to Hell and return the Darkhold there.

Holden Radcliffe is forced to remain in the Framework, both vanishing upon deletion.

Coulson's team enjoys a celebratory dinner, but are apprehended by a mysterious man who wields a device that freezes them.

Spring: Shang-Chi and Katy Chen (Awkwafina) graduate high school.

August 17th

Karl Mordo pays a visit to Jonathan Pangborn and removes his powers, claiming that there are already too many sorcerers in the world.


Coulson awakens and looks out the window ... onto outer space.

Thor Ragnarok 2017


In search of the Infinity Stones, Thor seeks out (and is captured by) the fire demon Surtur in the realm of Muspelheim. Surtur is destined to bring about Ragnarok--the destruction of Asgard--but not just yet since Thor defeats him and takes his crown as a trophy.

Loki, meanwhile, has been enjoying his disguise as Odin for years now, but Thor puts a stop to that party when he returns home to Asgard. The brothers are reunited in their quest to find their father, Odin, and with the assistance of Doctor Strange, they travel to Norway to say farewell to their dying father.

With Odin's death comes the release of Hela, the banished Goddess of Death, form her millennia-long imprisonment. The first clash between Hela and her brothers ends with her destruction of Mjolnir and their flight to the bifrost bridge.

Hela continues to Asgard, the source of her power, and destroys the army opposing her (led by Hogun) while resurrecting her own army of the dead (including the giant wolf Fenris) and appointing the reluctant, traitorous Skurge as her executioner.

Thor and Loki both wind up on the garbage planet Sakaar, though at different times: Loki has been there long enough to weasel his way into the good graces of the planet's ruler, the Grandmaster. Thor, however, is captured by an Asgardian Valkyrie mercenary nicknamed Scrapper 142 and thrown into the fighting pit where he faces off against the arena's champion, Hulk.

Having survived the fight and escaped captivity with the help of Valkyrie (and Loki, at least temporarily), Thor is able to restore Banner to his human form thanks to a video recording from Natasha stored in the Quinjet archive. After two years as the Hulk, Banner returns, though he's concerned that he'll never be able to do so again should the Hulk be allowed to come out just one more time.

When Thor, Banner, and Valkyrie arrive on Asgard, Hela's forces are about to decimate the rebellious Heimdall and the Asgardians he's protecting. Banner becomes the Hulk (after a painful fall down to the Rainbow Bridge) and battles Hela's resurrected Fenris Wolf and the undead forces led by Skurge.

Thor and Valkyrie battle Hela, though the God of Thunder loses an eye in this effort. His resultant vision of Odin channels untapped power into Thor and he's able to rejoin the fight.

Meanwhile, a revolution on Sakaar, led in part by the Kronan known as Korg and the planet's insectoid native known as Miek before they headed to Asgard to rescue the realm's inhabitants, defeated the Grandmaster, who is last seen attempting to win favor with the victors.

Loki and the surviving gladiators, including Korg and Miek, arrive on Asgard to act as a lifeboat to rescue the Asgardian citizens. Skurge sacrifices himself to save his fellow Asgardians in a redemptive final act. While Thor, Hulk, and Valkyrie distract Hela, Loki liberates the crown of Surtur (possibly swiping the tesseract in the process) and summons the fire demon using the Eternal Flame, the only entity who can bring about Ragnarok and defeat Hela, at the price of the destruction of Asgard.

Having escaped aboard a spaceship, an eyepatch-sporting Thor assumes the role of Ruler of Asgard and takes his throne, flanked by Heimdall, Valkyrie, Loki, Korg, and Hulk. Their plan is to head to Earth/Midgard and attempt to rebuild Asgard, perhaps in Norway. However, a massive spacecraft suddenly looms above their ship...


April 28th

Scott Lang is staying in his apartment with Luis while under house arrest for two years, as we’re told in a conversation between Lang and Randall Park‘s agent Jimmy Woo. The movie opens with Lang having three days left on his sentence and the events that unfold take roughly that long, with the addition of the post-credits scene. 

May 3rd

Essentially, Lang, Hank Pym, and Hope Van Dyne manage to get their Quantum Tunnel working, rescue Janet Van Dyne from the Quantum Realm, and temporarily cure the phasing Ghost, all while keeping the lab and Pym’s technology out of the hands of black-market dealers and saving Lang from more prison time. This is a very self-contained little heist movie that doesn’t dip its toe into the other MCU properties except for the occasional Captain America mention. 

The kicker here is that Lang travels back into the Quantum Realm through Pym / Van Dyne’s portable Quantum Tunnel, while Hank, Hope, and Janet work the controls from the outside. Unfortunately, Thanos’ genocidal snap occurs at just the wrong time, dusting the three of them and trapping Lang in the Quantum Realm with no conceivable way out. 


Red Skull reminder: After disappearing from his contact with the Tesseract in 1945, he was transported to the distant realm of Vormir in order to escort those who sought the Soul Stone as the Stonekeeper, eventually including Thanos himself.

Sometime after Thanos’ kidnapped/adopted Gamora and Nebula, he traveled to Nidavellir, traditionally one of the Nine Realms and, in this case, home to a massive forge surrounding a neutron star which acts as a heat source. There, Thanos sought out Eitri, a master forger among the dwarves who inhabit Nidavellir. (Peter Dinklage plays the part, though Eitri stands nearly twice as tall as Thor himself.) Under threat by Thanos, Eitri crafted the Infinity Gauntlet with the hope that Thanos would take his prize and leave his people. Instead, Thanos took the gauntlet, cast Eitri’s hands in molten metal, killed the rest of the dwarves, and shut down the forge to prevent any future weapons from being made or unmade.

Sometime after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Ben & Jerry’s named flavors of ice cream after Tony Stark (Stark-Ravin’ Nuts) and The Hulk (Hulka-Hulka Chunka Chocolate). 

Thanos’ forces attacked Nova Corps on Xandar, defeating them and taking his first Infinity Stone, the purple Power Stone.

*The following events take place within roughly 24-48 hours*

May 30th-31st

Directly after the Asgardian refugees find themselves face to face with Thanos’ mothership, the Mad Titan’s forces lay waste to it and a massive battle ensues in which Thor and Heimdal lie broken and defeated amidst many of their fallen brethren. The Hulk attacks Thanos but is soon dispatched rather easily, a fact that terrifies and embarrasses the Hulk. Before he can be killed, however, Heimdall draws on his last ounce of power to activate the bifrost and send Banner to Earth with a warning that Thanos is coming.

Thanos and his Black Order hold court with Loki and demand the Tesseract, which holds the blue Space Stone. Loki hands it over, attempting to form an alliance with Thanos and act as his guide on Earth, but seeing his brother defeated, Loki tries to assassinate Thanos. His treachery is repaid with death at Thanos’ hands, a death which seems likely to stick this time. Thanos then destroys the refugee vessel with his newfound power before teleporting away to safety.

Bruce Banner, whose Hulk persona is now too afraid to emerge, crashlands in Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum in time to warn him, Wong, and Tony Stark about the approaching threat of Thanos. As he does, Thanos’ Black Order members Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw attack New York City. Spider-Man joins the fray and inadvertently travels aboard Ebony Maw’s spaceship with Iron Man in order to rescue Doctor Strange—who’s protecting the Time Stone by will and magic spell alone—while Wong remains behind the man the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive to answer the Asgardian refugee ship’s distress signal too late, but just in time to rescue a barely alive Thor. Aboard the Milano, Thor meets the Guardians, obtains a replacement cybernetic eye from Rocket, and joins up with the “rabbit” and an adolescent Groot in order to travel to the dwarven star-forge in Nidavellir in search of a new weapon that will fell Thanos.

The remaining Guardians opt to travel to Knowhere and pay a visit to the Collector who is in possession of the red Reality Stone … only to find out that Thanos has beat them to it. Through use of an illusion, Thanos defeats the Guardians, takes Gamora prisoner and teleports away.

Aboard Thanos’ flagship, Gamora learns that her sister Nebula is being tortured, taken apart piece by piece for eternity in order to used as leverage against Gamora, who knows the location of the Soul Stone. Thanos and Gamora head to Vormir where the Stonekeeper—a time-flung Red Skull—leads them to it. Thanos sacrifices Gamora by throwing her off a cliff (a call back to Gamora doing the same to her own sister years earlier), trading her soul for the power of the stone itself. Gamora’s soul becomes trapped here in the form of her childlike self.

At the same time, the Guardians of the Galaxy head to Thanos’ home planet of Titan with the hopes of rescuing Gamora and defeating her kidnapper, only to run into Tony Stark, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, who crash-landed one of Thanos’ ships aboard the same planet. Together, they formulate a plan to draw Thanos out, subdue him, and remove his Infinity Gauntlet, thus defeating him without having to kill him.

While the plan seems like it’s going to work, Star-Lord gets distracted by his realization that Gamora has been killed, thus breaking Mantis’ psychic connection to Thanos, who shakes Iron Man and Spider-Man off his gauntlet before they can pry it free. A fierce surprise assault from Nebula follows, but Thanos is beyond harm at this point. Broken and defeated, Doctor Strange—who has seen only one future out of millions of possibilities in which the Avengers actually win—gives up the green Time Stone in order to save Tony Stark’s life. Thanos retreats, leaving the team defeated and stranded.

During the Maw and Obsidian’s attack on New York City, Black Order members Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight attack Vision and Scarlet Witch in Edinburgh, Scotland in order to retrieve the yellow Mind Stone. They’re stopped by the combined efforts of those heroes and Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon. With Earth’s mightiest heroes now aware of Thanos’ plan and the fact that they must defend Vision at all costs to keep the Mind Stone out of the villain’s grasp, they head to Wakanda to seek allies there and prepare to defend themselves. Bruce Banner and James Rhodes / War Machine join them, teaming up with Black Panther and his forces, which include the White Wolf, Bucky Barnes.

With Ebony Maw thrown into the cold vacuum of space during the rescue of Doctor Strange, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, and Proxima Midnight lead thousands of Outrider soldiers in an all-out assault on Wakanda’s defenses. With the Avengers and Wakandan warriors as the last line between Thanos’ forces and the Mind Stone—with Shuri attempting to use her superior science to separate the sentient android from the infinity stone—this is the final stand. And they struggle mightily.

While the battle rages in Wakanda, Thor is forced to bear the brunt of the rays of a neutron star in order to restart the forge of Nidavellir which was snuffed out by Thanos. The dwarven forge-master, Eitri, is able to cast the blade of Stormbreaker, a mighty weapon, but it’s Groot who sacrifices a piece of himself to form the handle. Thor, proven worthy, is able to summon the weapon and rejuvenate his god-like abilities.

Despite Thor arriving in Wakanda in the nick of time, laying waste to the army of Outriders, Thanos also arrives on the scene and quickly dispatches the other solo heroes. Scarlet Witch holds him at bay, having defended both her teammates and Vision from the Black Order elite, and is able to destroy the Mind Stone with her incredible power. Unfortunately, Thanos’ mastery of the Time Stone allows him to rewind time, reform the stone, and pluck it from Vision’s head, killing him and completing his Infinity Gauntlet in the process.

A moment of hope arises with Thor smashing Thanos in the chest with the Stormbreaker, but Thanos survives and snaps his fingers. He disappears off to some place in order to recover, but the more important result is that half of the universe’s sentient population is seemingly snuffed out. This includes Spider-Man, Black Panther, Mantis, Bucky Barnes, Doctor Strange, Star Lord, Scarlet Witch, Groot, Drax, and Falcon.

Back on Earth in the devastation left behind in New York City, Nick Fury and Maria Hill arrive on the scene, only to get caught up in the fallout of Thanos’ ultimate attack. Driverless cars slam into each other, a pilotless helicopter crashes into a building, and both Hill and Fury themselves start to turn to ash. In his final seconds, before he can utter an expletive, Fury pages Captain Marvel.

Thanos is seen recuperating, his Infinity Gauntlet melted and seemingly almost destroyed by Stormbreaker, as he watches a sunrise over his own little plot of land…

While the Avengers were battling Thanos and his armies, Clint “Hawkeye” Barton (on house arrest) was having a family picnic and teaching his daughter Lila in archery. Clint was the only surviving member of Thanos’ “snap.”

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Around the same time as the Avengers are battling Thanos, Glenn Talbot (of all people) infuses himself with the volatile gravitonium (along with the material’s previously absorbed Dr. Franklin Hall and Ian Quinn), becoming incredibly powerful as the MCU’s version of Graviton. Talbot kills the Remorath scavengers and takes Coulson to confront their leader Qovas. Becoming mad with power (thanks in part to HYDRA’s mind-breaking), Talbot takes control of Qovas ship, forces Coulson and Melinda May into his services, and dons a costume with the intention of saving the world from Thanos. Meanwhile, Daisy is taken prisoner by one of Kree ruler Kasius’ entourage. *How this factors in to the destruction of Earth or Thanos’ “snap” remains to be seen. 

May 31st

Victims of the snap other than the ones we see on screen in Endgame:

Erik Selvig, Flash Thompson, Hank Pym, Jane Foster, Janet van Dyne, Hope van Dyne, May Parker, MJ Watson, Monica Rambeau, Ned Leeds, Sif, Thaddeus Ross, Yelena Belova.

June 21st

Thanos is seen recuperating, having snapped away the stones. He watches a sunrise over his own little plot of land…

It's revealed that Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and James Rhodes found Fury’s pager (somehow) and have been trying to keep it powered up by creating an energy source for the Kree-improved communications device. However, despite the battery performing just fine, the alert has stopped working.

While they try to figure out a work-around, Captain Marvel suddenly arrives in the room, asking, “Where’s Fury?”

June 22nd

Post-snap, survivors Tony Stark and Nebula were left isolated and abandoned far from Earth. They managed to stay alive for 22 days, adrift aboard the Guardians' ship, the Benatar. Stark records a final message for Pepper Potts, but Captain Marvel arrives and escorts the spacecraft safely back to Earth, landing at the new Avengers facility.

There, Stark and Nebula reunite with Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Rocket, Thor, and James Rhodes. Despite Stark's anger with the team's (and his own) failure and refusal to help them locate Thanos, the combined knowledge of Nebula and the technical know-how of Rocket allow the team to find the Mad Titan's hideout.

They fly to Thanos' unguarded planet to find him alone and gravely injured, having used the Infinity Gauntlet to destroy the stones themselves, foiling the Avengers' plan to use them to restore the lives of those who were lost. In grief, anger, and frustration, Thor beheads Thanos.


Bruce Banner runs a series of gamma-ray experiments that allow him to merge his personalities, gifting him the Hulk's incredible physical prowess while retaining his own intellectual genius

Sometime after the Snap, Sharon Carter (Emily Van Camp) begins to develop her role as the Power Broker, accumulating wealth and power.

Maya returns back to Fat Man Auto Repair to witness Ronin killing the Tracksuit Mafia, including killing her father William.

Around this time, Marc learns about Khonshu's plans to use Layla as his new avatar and leaves her.

2018 - 2023


Sometime before this, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark get married. Morgan Stark is born and named after Pepper's eccentric uncle. 


Xialing escapes the Ten Rings Headquarters and moves to Macau. She forms up a fighting club and meets Jon Jon (Ronny Chieng)

Monica Rambeau's mother, Maria, dies in a hospital in Louisiana after Monica disappeared in the Snap.

2019 - 2023

The five years after the Snap are transformative for the Avengers:



Steve Rogers leads a grief counseling program for survivors of “The Decimation.”

Scott Lang, who has been trapped in the Quantum Realm for what felt like five hours to him, escapes thanks to a wayward rat that activates the device.

After coming to terms with the reality of the last five years (and the fact that five years have passed without him even realizing it), he reunites with his now-teenaged daughter, Cassie. He then travels to the Avengers compound to explain his theory that the quantum realm allows time travel. Stark refuses to help them at first, as a way to protect his family and not risk losing them, but eventually works with Banner to figure out how to stabilize time travel in the quantum realm.

Banner and Rocket travel to New Asgard to recruit Thor while Natasha goes to Tokyo to bring Clint back into the fold. Once they’re all reunited, the team (with their new Quantum Realm/Time Travel suits and limited allotment of Pym Particles) splits up in order to travel back to the right time and locations to nab the Infinity Stones before Thanos ever gets his hands on them. 

October 16th

At this point, the gang goes back to the Battle of New York in 2012 to get another Mind, Space, and Time Stone. As was mentioned above.

After failing to get the Space Stone, thanks to Loki, Rogers and Stark go even further back to April 4, 1970 to steal the Tesseract from an earlier point in time and are successful.

Meanwhile, Rocket and Thor travel to Asgard in 2013, during the events of Thor: The Dark World, to retrieve the Reality Stone by extracting it from an "infected" Jane Foster.

On Morag in 2014, during the events of the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, Nebula and Rhodes take the Power Stone in its Orb container before Peter Quill can do the same. Rhodey makes it back to the present, but Nebula is captured by 2014's Thanos. She is tortured by the past Thanos and Ebony Maw.

While the Avengers gather the Infinity Stones from across time and space, Thanos sends his disguised daughter Nebula to the future in order to claim them for him.

At the same time, Barton and Romanoff travel to Vormir and meet the Soul Stone's keeper, the Red Skull. After a back and forth battle of sorts, Natasha ends up sacrificing herself so that Clint can bring the Soul Stone back to the future.

October 17th

With the Infinity Stones gathered in the present, and a new gauntlet created to wield them, Banner uses it to restore everyone killed by Thanos. (He tries to restore Natasha as well, but that is not within his power.) The feat severely damages his right arm and face, limiting his abilities throughout the rest of the film.

Before the Avengers can enjoy their victory, the 2014 Nebula brings Thanos and his warship to the present using the Avengers' time machine. He destroys the Avengers compound and waits to do battle with the survivors, planning to regain the stones, wipe out all life in the universe, and start from scratch.

Meanwhile, the 2023 Nebula convinces Gamora to turn against Thanos; she manages to kill the 2014 version of herself.

Thanos holds his own against Thor and his dual-wielded weapons, Captain America (wielding Mjolnir for the first time) and Iron Man, even without the Infinity Stones. It's Captain America who holds the ground against the summoned forces of Thanos' vast army, from Chitauri, to Leviathans, his Black Order, Outriders, and more.

At the last second, an unsnapped Doctor Strange and his fellow sorcerers transport the restored Avengers, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, armies of Wakanda, Asgardians, and even the Ravagers to fight against Thanos' horde. Captain Marvel returns to lend some cosmic power to the fight.

Despite managing to play keep-away with the new Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos is able to seize it, temporarily. Stark steals the Stones back and uses them to decimate Thanos and his own army, but the cost of the effort claims his life. The Earth is saved, but Tony Stark is dead.

October 29th

Happy, Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey, Steve, and Thor watch Tony's final hologram message that he recorded on the day of the Time Heist for Morgan.

The Avengers gather for Stark's funeral.

Steve and Bucky agree that Sam should be the next Captain America.

October 30th

Thor appoints Valkyrie as the king of New Asgard and joins the Guardians of the Galaxy, where Quill begins searching for 2014 Gamora, but it's unclear whether or not she survived Stark's "snap."

Rogers, who uses Hank Pym's original time machine to return the Infinity Stones to their original places in time, closing the loop, opts to stay in the 1949 to marry Peggy Carter and live out the rest of his life.

He returns to the present as an elderly man in order to pass his shield on to Sam Wilson as Bucky Barnes looks on.

November 5th:

Wanda Maximoff arrives in Westview, New Jersey.

Though Wanda Maximoff was resurrected thanks to Hulk's use of the Infinity Gauntlet, Vision remains dead / deceased / deactivated / disintegrated. The walking, talking artificial intelligence was first heartbreakingly sacrificed by Wanda herself to prevent Thanos from getting his hands on Vision's Mind Stone, but Thanos used his Time Stone powers to undo that event. He then brutally plucked the stone from Vision, essentially killing him.

So what's going on in WandaVision? Well, a nice theory would be that this is Wanda and Vision's ideal life before the horrors of the Infinity War, but the reality is more complicated; much more complicated.

Since Wanda has reality-controlling powers -- near-God-tier, honestly -- this new life and existence is one of her making. Whether or not she knows it, and whether or not the people who factor into the story like Kathryn Hahn's seemingly well-meaning neighbor Agnes, various supporting players in the MCU like Teyonah Parris' Monica Rambeau / Geraldine and others to come, or even Vision himself know it, all remain to be seen.

November 6th

On the outside of Wanda's perfect bubble, the agents of S.W.O.R.D. are gathered outside where they keep attempting to break in and rescue the townspeople who are trapped inside.

November 10th

Soon, the world that Wanda has created falls apart, and it is revealed that Agnes was actually a witch named Agatha Harkness (it was Agatha all along!) who has been disrupting her life.

In a massive battle, Agatha attempts to steal Wanda's chaos magic before being defeated and turned into her Agnes persona.

Wanda frees the town before fleeing and going into hiding where, in a post-credit scene, she studies an ominous book known as the Darkhold in her astral form

2024 - 2027: Phase Four: Legacy


March 27th

Shang-Chi wakes up in San Francisco living under the name of Shaun after having run away at 14 from his home. He tries to keep a low profile working as a parking valet with his best friend Katy who just thinks he is a normal guy. When the both of them are attacked on a bus by members of the Ten Rings, they will be thrust back into the past that he tried to leave behind.

March 31st

Shang-Chi and Katy travel to reunite with Xialing in Macau where the three are all attacked again b before being taken to the Ten Rings' compound. There, they are confronted by Wenwu who explains that he has found a map leading to Ta Lo. He believes that his dead wife is somehow trapped there when it is actually the Dweller-In-Darkness impersonating her in order to break free.

April 1st

After briefly being imprisoned, his kids and Katy escape with former actor Trevor (who posed as the Mandarin back in Iron Man 3) before traveling to Ta Lo to warn the people there of the impending attack.

After being filled in about the dark forces hidden behind the gate that Wenwu wants to open, a giant battle ensues. Wenwu succeeds at opening the gate, though later sees what he has done and sacrifices himself to protect Shang-Chi. The remaining characters then manage to slay the Dweller-in-Darkness.

April 10th

Shang-Chi and Katy later return to San Francisco where they recount their wild adventure. However, they are summoned by Wong who introduces them to Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers where they discover that the rings are a beacon to something.

Shang-Chi, Katy, and Wong go to karaoke.

Xialing has revamped the Ten Rings despite initially promising to disband it.

April 14th

Bucky has been undergoing therapy where he talks about his attempts to make amends for past wrongs.

April 17th

Sam is struggling with the newfound title and decides to give the famed shield to the U.S. government to put into a museum.

April 19th

A new character takes up the mantle of Captain America: John Walker.

May 1st-6th

An anti-nationalist group with superpowers known as the Flag Smashers (yes, that is their real name) and their leader Karli Morgenthau attempt to steal a shipment of medicine. They get into a fight with Sam and Bucky, though manage to escape.

Seeking assistance, Bucky and Sam team up with the imprisoned Helmut Zemo who they break out of prison by using a riot as cover.

The group conducts an investigation into the super serum that gives the Flag Smashers their powers.

May 7th

The Flag Smashers then raid a Global Repatriation Council (GRC) storage facility while Bucky and Sam look for them elsewhere.

They manage to find Karli at a funeral for her adoptive mother. A fight breaks out, leading to casualties and death. Walker takes the Super Soldier Serum.

Walker kills one of the Flash Smashers with his shield. Sam and Bucky demand he surrender it, though a fight again breaks out.

Sam and Bucky break Walker's arm, though the wingsuit is destroyed.

May 9th

Walker is stripped of his title. Sam and Bucky decide to team up to stop the Flag Smashers for good.

Sam Wilson learns the truth about Isaiah Bradley and how he was tested on and given the Super Soldier Serum without his consent before being sent on covert missions.

Wilson returns home to Louisiana to try and save his family business and fix his family boat

May 11th

Wilson and Barnes team up to revitalize Wilson Family Seafood, as do the people in their neighborhood.

May 18th

At a GRC Conference in New York City, the Flag Smashers attack. Sam shows up with a new Captain America uniform and flight suit given to him by the Wakandans.

Karli is killed, and the remaining Flag Smashers captured (only to be killed later), though Sam convinces the GRC to not displace any more people which was their goal all along.

May 23rd

Barnes makes his final amends with his neighbor Yori Nakajima.

June 3rd

Wilson takes Bradley and his grandson Eli to the Smithsonian Institute exhibit where they have honored and created a section to include Isaiah's past, ensuring that his legacy and heroism will not be lost or forgotten.

June 6th

Sharon Carter is given a full pardon and the Power Broker goes to work, now with a position in the government.

June 20th

Nick Fury and Maria Hill travel to the Mexican town of Ixtenco to investigate a powerful storm presumably caused by the Earth Elemental. Up to the task, a super-suited fighter from another reality by the name of Quentin Beck arrives to battle the monstrosity. (Two bits of misdirection here: Not only is Quentin Beck a villain in disguise, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are not actually Fury and Hill but rather the husband-and-wife Skrull duo Talos and Soren, also in disguise.)

June/July 2024

Some time after Tony Stark’s funeral in the Fall of 2023, Nick Fury and Maria Hill travel to the Mexican town of Ixtenco to investigate a powerful storm presumably caused by the Earth Elemental. Up to the task, a super-suited fighter from another reality by the name of Quentin Beck arrives to battle the monstrosity.

At some point, May Parker and Happy Hogan begin dating, though just how serious their relationship is remains to be seen.


Roughly eight months later, the Midtown School of Science and Technology in New York City restarts its school year in order to let the students who missed time to the Snap/Blip catch up. Part of this catch-up is a planned two-week trip to Europe for Peter Parker, Michelle/MJ, Ned Leeds, Eugene “Flash” Thompson, Betty Brant, and Brad Davis, among others.

After arriving in Venice, Peter Parker assists the new superhero Quentin Beck, whom they dub Mysterio, in battling the Water Elemental.

Just after this, Nick Fury tracks Parker down and gifts him with a pair of glasses from Stark which contain the the new, high-tech artificial intelligence known as E.D.I.T.H. (Even Dead, I’m The Hero); this A.I. also grants access to all of Stark’s databases and an orbital weapons satellite, as you do.

Fury also attempts to recruit him for S.H.I.E.L.D. but Parker refuses. Undeterred, Fury reroutes the class trip to Prague in order to get Parker/Spider-Man to help Mysterio take down the Fire Elemental before it can destroy the world, along with a new super-suit to help out in the process. Their success leads to Fury and Hill suggesting a team-up, but Parker opts to gift the E.D.I.T.H. glasses to Mysterio instead.

Here, it’s revealed the Beck/Mysterio is the leader of a team of disgruntled scientists who are eager to take down Stark’s legacy and surpass him by becoming an even greater hero. They use a swarm of drones to both project holographic monsters and destroy things in the environment that are damaged in battle, while a behind-the-scenes crew keeps Mysterio’s narrative, costume, and special effects in tip-top shape.

At around the same time MJ figures out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, they also team up to deduce that Mysterio is a fraud and playing a dangerous game. Spider-Man tries to take down Mysterio but is outmatched by his opponent’s perception-altering technology and superior tactics.

After a bizarre and unintentional side trip that lands Peter in a jail in Netherlands, he escapes and makes his way to London by reconnecting with Happy Hogan. On the Stark jet, Peter discovers one of Tony’s suit-making machines; he designs his own custom suit to wear into battle.

While Beck and his team organize a large-stage fight that sees the Elementals fusing into one massive monster–in part to fake an attack on London and in part to eliminate Peter’s classmates who know his secret–Spider-Man is able to save everyone, break through Beck’s illusions, and regain control over E.D.I.T.H. But a wayward shot from a drone mortally wounds Beck; Peter is torn over the man’s death.

With Beck dead, his assistant Riva manages to escape with his drones and their recorded footage. And although the class returns safely to New York City, where Peter and MJ commit to their new relationship, a big change is in store for Spider-Man: J. Jonah Jameson, a mouthpiece for sensationalist news blog, claims that Spider-Man is actually a menace and is responsible for the Elementals attacks. Doctored footage reveals that Spider-Man gave the order to kill Beck, but not before he could out Peter Parker’s true identity.

The last thing we see from this story is the reveal of the Skrulls disguised as Fury and Hill, while the real Fury is aboard a Skrull ship in space. And this is where we close out Phase Three of the MCU and the “Infinity Saga” as a whole. 

July 17th

Picking up right after the events of Far From Home, when Peter Parker was exposed as being Spider-Man, he is now trying to adjust to his highly scrutinized life. In addition to being framed for the murder of Quentin Beck, the exposure has had a negative impact on both MJ and Ned whose MIT college applications are rejected. Seeking a solution, Peter goes to get help from Dr. Strange who he asks to cast a spell to make the world forget he is Spider-Man.


However, the spell goes terribly wrong when Peter keeps interrupting with alterations so that his loved ones can remember who he is. While Dr. Strange thought he contained the spell, he accidentally opened up this world to characters from other timelines. Thus, villains from the other Spider-Man movies begin to show up. There is Doc Ock, Green Goblin, The Lizard, Electro, and The Sandman. Trying to keep everything under control, Peter betrays Dr. Strange so that he can send all of the villains back to their universes without condemning them to death.

This leads to the death of Aunt May who is killed by the Goblin who convinced all the other villains to betray Parker. Ned, using his newfound powers to create portals using Dr. Strange's sling ring, brings alternate versions of Peter into this world. The now three Spider-Men all unite, develop cures for the villains, and fight them on top of the Statue of Liberty where they have set a trap. They succeed at curing all of the villains and send everyone back.

This requires Peter to have Dr. Strange erase himself from everyone's memory entirely, though he promises he will find MJ and Ned again.

He does so and is about to introduce himself, though he stops just short of doing so. He then pays a visit to May's grave where he talks with Happy Hogan and decides to continue being Spider-Man.

Peter then moves himself into an apartment in Manhattan.


According to Eternals producer Nate Moore, the film takes place concurrently with Spider-Man: Far From Home, the events of which occurred during the summer of 2024, though Ajak makes a reference to Thanos snapping five years before. Regardless of this muddy timeline, all the characters come back together after being attacked by Deviants they thought were dead. However, they discover that they are too late as their leader Ajak was killed by Deviants in South Dakota. Sersi is chosen as the new leader and begins to communicate with Arishem, The Prime Celestial.

She learns that the Eternals were sent to prepare for the Emergence, an event that will drain the energy of all life on Earth to birth a new celestial. The Eternals decide to fight back against this, only to be betrayed by Ikaris who had long known of the Emergence and was responsible for the death of Ajak. Sprite joins in the betrayal due to her long-simmering love for him.

The location of the Emergence is discovered, an active volcano in the Indian Ocean, where all the Eternals converge. A giant battle ensues, though Ikaris and Sprite eventually join in stopping the Emergence. Out of guilt, Ikaris flies directly in the sun. Sersi then turns Sprite into a human, ensuring she won't be a child forever.

Thena, Druig, and Makkari leave Earth to find Eternals on other planets to warn them of the Emergence while Sersi, Phastos, and King stay behind. However, the remaining trio are later lifted into space by Arishem where he takes them into a singularity. The trio in space then meet the Eternal Eros and his assistant Pip the Troll. Dane, Sersi's lover, later opens a case that contains a weapon and is spoken to by an unseen person who asks if he is ready.


We first see a version of Dr. Strange and the teleporting teen America Chavez as they flee a demon that is chasing them through the space between universes. This version of Strange is killed and Chavez opens a portal to the version of Earth-616. That universe's version of Dr. Strange and Sorcerer Supreme Wong rescue her from yet another demon. Chavez then tells them that these beings are hunting her because she can travel through the multiverse, a unique ability that others seek to exploit.

Dr. Strange then gets the bright idea to consult his friend Wanda Maximoff who has been living in isolation since the events of WandaVision. When she slips up and reveals she knows America Chavez by name despite never being told it, Strange realizes she is behind the attacks. Wanda wants to use America to get a universe where the children she created are still alive and is willing to do anything to achieve this.

A battle ensues at Kamar-Taj where Wanda kills many sorcerers and breaks through their defenses. America opens a portal to another universe, Earth-838, and goes through it with Dr. Strange. Maximoff is close behind as she uses a book known as the Darkhold to "dreamwalk" into her body in that universe. When that connection is broken, she travels to Mount Wundagore to reestablish it.

Wanda then attacks a group known as the Illuminati in Earth-838. Made up of Karl Mordo, Peggy Carter, Blackagar Boltagon, Maria Rambeau, Reed Richards, and Charles Xavier, they were just about to pass judgment on Strange for fears that he was dangerous to the multiverse. Before that can happen, Wanda kills all of them, except Mordo, with ease.

Dr. Strange and America then escape with the assistance of this universe's Christine Palmer who is now a scientist working with the Illuminati. We are once again taken into the space between worlds where Wanda takes over Chavez's mind and sends the others to an incursion-destroyed universe.

It is there where Dr. Strange defeats a version of himself that had become corrupted by his universe's Darkhold. He then uses the book to dreamwalk into the deceased body of himself on Earth-616. He then stops Wanda from taking America's powers. At Strange's encouragement, America then transports Wanda to Earth-838 where she can see her kids cower in fear at the sight of her while crying out for their real mother.

Terrified by this moment, Wanda gives up on her quest to take America's powers and brings down Mount Wundagore so no one can ever use a copy of the Darkhold again. She seems to perish in the events, though it is still an open question as to her fate.

America sends Dr. Strange and Christine back to their respective universes. Time passes and Kamar-Taj is fixed up where America begins training with the surviving sorcerers. Dr. Strange develops a third eye after using the Darkhold to dreamwalk into a corpse and, in a mid-credits scene, is approached by the sorceress Clea who warns him of an Incursion that he has created and must now fix. He follows her into the Dark Dimension.

More importantly than all of this, of course, we see what happened to the true hero of the film: Pizza Poppa. After being cursed by the villainous Dr. Strange, he was forced to beat himself up for three weeks straight. However, at the end of that time, the curse is lifted and he joyously exclaims "It's finally over!"


Yelena visits Natasha's grave in Ohio where she is given the name of Natasha's killer by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus). She plans to hunt down and kill Clint Barton.

December 19th-24th

Hawkeye is having a nice time with his kids in New York for Christmas. Kate, inspired to be a superhero after being saved by Hawkeye during the Battle of New York, discovers that there is a secret organization that is selling off old items from what was left of the Avengers Compound.

She then gets in a fight with the Tracksuit Mafia who attack the auction. Wearing Clint's Ronin suit, she goes on the run and later is saved by Hawkeye himself. They end up losing the suit, later retrieving it, though run afoul of Tracksuit Mafia boss Maya Lopez. She interrogates them about the Ronin as he killed her father years ago and she wants revenge. They manage to escape with the help of Clint's trick arrows.

Looking to get more answers, Clint and Kate end up running into the corrupt Jack Duquesne who launders money for the Tracksuit Mafia. He also happens to be engaged to Kate's mother. Later, Kate and Clint go to Lopez's apartment where they are attacked by a masked assailant. This turns out to be Yelena Belova who is trying to get revenge for the death of Natasha. A fight ensues and Yelena escapes while Lopez is injured before also retreating.

Yelena confronts Kate at her apartment and tells her about how she wants to kill Clint. Meanwhile, Clint puts back on the Ronin suit and goes to confront Lopez. He tells her that there was an informant who wanted her dead before escaping with Kate who comes to help him. At the center of this is the Kingpin who enters into the story as being behind everyone's problems.

At a Christmas party, Kate learns her mother was working with Kingpin as her father owed up money. They evacuate the party following an attack. Clint is then confronted by Yelena though she spares him when he reminds her that Natasha sacrificed herself to save the universe. Elsewhere, Kate defends her mother from the Kingpin and incapacitates him with her arrows. However, he escapes before being presumably shot by Lopez. Clint returns home to his family with Kate and burns the Ronin suit.



We are introduced to the bumbling Steven Grant. He works in the British Museum in London as a gift shop attendant though has aspirations to become a tour guide. One night, after going to sleep, he suddenly wakes up in the Austrian Alp where there is a cult meeting being led by Arthur Harrow. He demands that Steven return a scarab he unknowingly has with him. Attempting to escape, Steven gets in a car chase and has multiple blackouts before waking at home two days later.

He gets a phone call from a woman who calls him Marc. At work, Arthur shows up to confront Steven and informs him that he is a servant of the Egyptian goddess Ammit. Steven escapes again, though is attacked by a jackal at the museum at night. Hiding in the bathroom, his reflection tells him that he must take over to save him. Steven agrees and turns into a cloaked superhero that kills the jackal.

Steven learns that he has multiple identities inside him that explains his blackouts. He meets Layla who is the wife to the identity Marc. After being arrested by Arthur's men, he learns that he is the current avatar of the Egyptian god of the moon Khonshu. A struggle then takes place as Steven/Marc try to stop Arthur who wants to wipe all potential evildoers from the Earth.

After traveling to Egypt with Layla, Steven/Marc are shot by Arthur. Waking up in a psychiatric hospital, we learn that the reason for his split personality was a coping mechanism for the childhood trauma he endured when he was abused by his mother. While grappling with this past, he will have to escape from the Egyptian afterlife to get back to stop Arthur. Though Steven gets dragged down off the boat they were traveling on where he turns to sand, Marc returns to save him and they both come back to take on Arthur.

After killing the various avatars of the other Egyptian gods, Arthur frees Ammit. Layl and Steven/Marc then battle them to save the world. They successfully seal Ammit in Arthur's body though refuse to kill him despite Khonshu's urging. Marc says they must be released and they both later wake up in the hospital again where they reject the vision to return to their life as heroes. However, in a mid-credits scene, Arthur/Ammi are killed by the third identity of Jake who is still working with Khonshu.


Meet Kamala Khan. A 16-year-old high schooler living in New Jersey who is fascinated by the Avengers, she struggles through the day-to-day life of adolescence. She fails a driving test and meets with a school counselor, all while planning to attend AvengerCon with her friend Bruno. Hoping to compete in the cosplay contest as Captain Marvel, she'll have to sneak out to avoid her strict yet caring parents Yusuf and Muneeba.

Before departing, she gets a package of items from her grandmother Sana that includes a bangle which she uses as part of her cosplay. When she gets to the convention and dresses up, she discovers the bangle gives her the power to construct cosmic energy formations. This causes chaos at the convention that almost hurts Kamala's classmate, Zoe, who she manages to save.

This puts Kamala on the radar of the Department of Damage Control (DODC) who set out to track her down. None the wiser, Kamala begins honing her powers with Bruno. Later, they all attend a party where they meet the handsome new senior Kamran who she begins spending time with over the objections of Bruno. Later, Kamala saves a boy who fell from a mosque balcony during an Eid al-Adha celebration.

However, this attracts the attention of the DODC agents who have been targeting South Asian communities and begin pursuing her. She is saved by Kamran who is with his mother Najma who Kamala had a vision of. Despite the rescue, Kamala soon discovers that her group, the Clandestines, want to use her powers to reopen the Noor dimension where they believed they were exiled from. Though she says she'll consider it, the group grows impatient and attempts to force her by crashing her brother's wedding.

The DODC captures all the Clandestines while Kamala and Bruno escape. Sana later says that she saw a vision of a train then meets with Kamala and Muneeba in Karachi, Pakistan to discuss it. Sana tells Kamala that the bangle is trying to communicate through the train visions they're both seeing. Kamala goes to a train station though is attacked by Kareem of the Red Daggers.

This is revealed to be a mistake as he thought Kamala was a member of the Clandestines. He offers her shelter in their hideout where Kamala learns about the Veil of Noor. The Clandestines escape the DODC, though Najma leaves Kamran behind for tipping off Kamala earlier. When the Clandestine track down and attack Kamala, her bangle gets stabbed which sends her back in time to 1947 just in time to save her grandmother Sana and guides her back to her father right before the Partition of India. (Read the 1942 and 1947 bullets above to catch up on what happened to Aisha and how she met Hasan, Kamala's great grandfather.)

Kamala then returns back to her time and discovers that Najma stabbing the bangle has opened the Veil of Noor. Anyone who touches it is vaporized and Najma transfers her power to Kamran before sacrificing herself to close it. Sana and Muneeba find Kamala, talking openly about her newfound powers. Back in New Jersey, Kamran hides with Bruno as he is pursued by a DODC drone which he destroys with his powers. This causes an explosion of a storefront.

Kamala returns back from Karachi and helps her friends hatch a plan to thwart the DODC. They hide at the school and use a variety of tactics to hide Kamran from their clutches. Though things don't go entirely according to plan, they still succeed and Kamran is able to escape under the cover Kamala provides for him. The community then gathers around her and drives away the DODC.

Sometime later, Kamala has a conversation with her father where he talks about the importance of saving even just a single life. She then takes the name Ms. Marvel and goes out on her own to overlook the city that she is now the protector of.

A week passes and she meets up with her friends. Bruno tells her that she has a mutation in her genes, though Kamala says she doesn't care as it will only just be another label. He tells her this before he drives off to CalTech

In a mid-credits scene, the bangle begins glowing when Kamala is alone in her room which causes her and a confused Carol Danvers to swap places.


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

As indicated by producer Nate Moore in an interview with CinemaBlend, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever "clearly happens after No Way Home and Eternals" in a timeline that "probably happens potentially concurrent with Thor [Love and Thunder]" and is "almost concurrent with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania."

In an opening scene, King T’Challa of Wakanda dies, and the entire Kingdom comes out to mourn him. One of the most devastated among the mourners is Shuri (Letitia Wright) who is left broken by her brother’s loss.


One year later, the Kingdom of Wakanda is being threatened by outside forces who want to take Vibranium for themselves. Ramonda (Angela Bassett) goes to the UN and brings captured French forces that attacked one of their outposts. This show of force sends the message to the various world powers that Wakanda will defend itself against any future attempts at stealing from them.

Later, a group of CIA operatives are attempting to find vibranium from a different source deep in the ocean. The entire ship is attacked by Talokanil, who lure the forces into the ocean and attack the officers. The CIA operatives attempt to escape but all attempts fail thanks to Namor (Tenoch Huerta Mejía).

Back in Wakanda, Shuri and Ramonda take time away from the day-to-day necessities of ruling to discuss the loss of T’Challa down by the nearby water that surrounds the Kingdom itself. This is interrupted by the appearance of Namor. He needs their help to find the inventor that made the machine that can detect Vibranium, who he wishes to kill to prevent the creation of any future devices. Ramonda is resistant. She is angry at how Namor infiltrated Wakanda and is now making demands of them that are crossed with not-so-veiled threats.

It is decided that Shuri and Okoye (Danai Gurira) will go on a mission to retrieve said inventor while not necessarily giving her to Namor. On that mission, they discover that their target is actually just a college student named Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne) who was unaware of what her invention would be used for. Before they can take her back to Wakanda, they are swarmed by government forces who are there to take all of them in. A chase ensues that ends with Riri and Shuri being taken by forces dispatched by Namor while Okoya watches helplessly on.

Taken to Namor’s undersea kingdom Talokan, Shuri convinces him to not kill Riri and instead show her his home. They begin to discuss all that it took to build it and how, as a young child, he witnessed the violent way outside colonial forces can destroy all that he holds dear. Meanwhile, back in Wakanda, a devastated Ramonda believes that Shuri may be dead and effectively strips Okoye of all her ranking as a punishment. However, the Queen later discovers that her daughter is still alive and goes to reconnect with Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) in Haiti for the purpose of sending her to rescue them.

Said rescue mission ends with Nakia successfully bringing back Riri and Shuri to Wakanda. However, she killed several of Namor’s people in the process, and he responds in kind by retaliating against Wakanda. As a result, just before Namor departs, Ramonda is killed by the flooding and Shuri must now mourn yet another family member she loved dearly.

Following this, she sets to work to try to recreate the Heart-Shaped Herb synthetically after Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) burned all the other ones when he took control. Not only does she intend to use it to gain powers to fight Namor, who has given them a week to agree to join him or perish, but she also hopes to speak to her ancestors for guidance. She is able to pull it off, though when she goes under she doesn’t find any of her family but Killmonger himself. Their conversation leaves her rattled as, in addition to him getting under her skin, she begins to question whether she is more like him than her brother.

Putting this behind her, Shuri, Riri, Okoye, and various others from Wakandans hatch a plan to lure Namor out from the sea for a fight on more even ground where they hope to drain him of his powers by drying him out. The plan, with some hiccups, works and Shuri is able to fight Namor alone. After each nearly dies, he agrees to yield and a tentative peace is declared between the two kingdoms though there are already hints it may not last. Shuri then leaves Wakanda once more to grieve for her brother one final time.

After she does, she burns her funeral attire which her mother had suggested that she do in order to begin the process of healing. After the credits roll, we get a mid-credits scene where she meets with Nakia and a young boy that we have not met yet. Shuri, unaware of who this is, discovers that he is actually her brother’s son that had been kept secret. The three then sit together on the beach, united by their connection to T’Challa.

Thor: Love and Thunder

As indicated by director Taika Waititi, this most recent film takes place four years after the events of Endgame. This places it around 2027 when Thor will have to take on the powerful Gorr who lost his daughter and is using his god-killing weapon the Necrosword to slay all in his path in an attempt to get her back.

While he had a rough go of it up until now, the Son of Odin will now have to undertake his greatest challenge yet in fitting the slippery and sinister foe. After getting back in shape and going on missions with the Guardians in space, who soon depart, Thor receives a distress signal from his old friend Lady Sif.

When he finds her grievously injured, she warns him that Gorr's next target is New Asgard. Thus, Thor returns to Earth with some screaming goats as well as his friend Korg in an attempt to stop Gorr. A battle immediately breaks out at New Asgard.

Dr. Jane Foster, Thor's ex-girlfriend, helps to fight off Gorr's monsters. She has recently gained powers from the fractured hammer Mjolnir that she believes will cure her cancer. Though they drive Gorr away, he escapes with several Asgardian children that he kidnaps and imprisons in the Shadow Realm.

Thor, Jane, Valkyrie, and Korg then all travel to Omnipotence City in the hopes of recruiting other gods to join them in their mission. Instead, they are rebuffed by an arrogant Zeus in rare form. They then battle with the bearded god and steal his lightning bolt before departing. While Korg's body was destroyed, his face remained alive as they continue on to the shadow realm.

En route, Thor and Jane talk through their past relationship. They grow closer and kiss just before arriving at their destination. They can't find the children and realize it was a trap. Sure enough, Gorr appears and steals Stormbreaker from Thor which he used to summon the Bifrost to travel to Eternity where he plans to destroy all the gods.

A seriously injured Valkyrie and a still cancer-stricken Jane return back to Earth with Thor. We learn that Mjolnir is not saving Jane, it is actually draining what remaining strength she has left. She is warned that if she uses it again she will likely die. Thor then goes to fight Gorr alone while she heals.

When he arrives at Eternity's altar, he gives the kidnapped kids powers to help him fight off Gorr's monsters while he focuses on the man himself. Jane, sensing that Thor is about to die, joins the battle and saves him. They destroy the Necrosword, freeing Gorr from its control, though are brought into Eternity's realm.

Thor pleads with Gorr to use the wish he is granted to revive his daughter instead of killing the gods before going to be with a dying Jane in her final moments. Seeing this moment, Gorr ends up bringing his daughter, Love, back though he also perishes. Before he does, he asks Thor to care for her.

After this, Korg's body is made good as new and he starts a family. The late Jane is given a statue in New Asgard where training begins for the rescued children. Thor, fulfilling Gorr's final request, has adopted Love who joins him in his adventures.

In a mid-credits scene, a still-alive Zeus orders his son Hercules to go kill Thor. In a post-credits scene, we see Jane arrive in the afterlife of Valhalla where she is greeted by Heimdall.

Outside of Time

Loki Series

Again, Loki technically takes place outside of time and when they go into the time stream they jump back and forward through time so all of the events will be gathered here.

After he managed to slip out of the grasp of the Avengers during the events of Endgame with the Tesseract, an alternate timeline version of Loki is arrested by the Time Variance Authority (TVA).

Loki agrees to help Agent Mobius M. Mobius track down another variant that has been killing TVA agents and stealing their timeline-resetting charges.

Loki takes part in a Time Variance Authority (TVA) mission to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where a variant of himself has been causing problems.

Loki goes back to Pompeii with Time Variance Authority (TVA) Agent Mobius M. Mobius to test a theory that The Variant is hiding near-apocalyptic events so they remain undetected.

2050 - They then determine that their target is hiding in Alabama during a hurricane. Upon going there, the duo are ambushed by The Variant and other locals they've enchanted. She reveals herself to be a female version of Loki and declines his offer to take down the mysterious Time-Keepers who the TVA says created everything.

She then sends all the charges she has stolen to different points in the timeline, covering her tracks, and teleports away with Loki behind her.

The Variant tries to find the Time-Keepers at TVA headquarters, though Loki confronts her. They are then attacked and teleport again.

2077 - They arrive at the doomed Lamentis-1, a moon that is about to be obliterated by a planet. We learn that The Variant is named Sylvie and agrees to work with Loki to escape once more.

They get in a fight on a train after Loki gets drunk, are thrown off the train, and begin to form a romantic bond. This creates a new timeline and brings the TVA to them, ending in their arrest.

Mobius begins to piece together that all of the TVA are themselves also variants of people from Earth. He frees Loki, only to be stopped. Both Loki and Sylvie are then taken to the Time-Keepers who order them to be deleted. Not fans of this idea, the duo try to escape only for Loki to be "pruned."

This sends him to the Void at the end of time, a place where nothing comes back from. Sylvie prunes herself to follow him. Mobius, who was also pruned, returns to the TVA while Loki and Sylvie go to a citadel beyond the Void.

There, they meet He Who Remains. The creator of the TVA, he tells Loki and Sylvie that he stopped a war and used the agency to maintain peace. However, he is tired and says they either can kill him, risking war, or replace him in overseeing the TVA.

After kissing, Sylvie sends Loki back to TVA headquarters as he objected to her killing He Who Remains, which she does. This creates a multiverse with alternate timelines.

Back at TVA headquarters, Loki tries to warn Mobius about what happened though he doesn't recognize him. Loki then sees that the statues of the Time-Keepers has been replaced by one of the variants.

Alternate Timeline

What If...?

Before getting into this one, it should be noted that all of this takes place in an alternate timeline where key events and major moments from the series happened quite differently. In other words, all bets are off and things are going to get weird. None of these events are included in the timeline above as they occur in separate universes (this might change in the future depending on how multiversal we get!)

During WWII, Steve Rogers is wounded before he can get the serum that turns him into Captain America. Thus, Peggy takes his place and becomes Captain Carter. Steve isn't totally out of action as he gets a cool suit to become the Hydra Stomper. Taking part in many battles, they end up stumbling upon the Red Skull trying to open a portal. He is killed by a creature that emerges, one that Carter forces back in. She is sucked in with it, emerging 70 years later where she meets Nick Fury and Clint Barton.

1998 - T'Challa is abducted in the place of Peter Quill and becomes Star-Lord instead. Twenty years later, he connects with a Wakandan spacecraft that has been looking for him. After taking part in space battles, he returns home to his home where he reunites with his family after all these years.

Set over the course of a week, Fury struggles to recruit heroes to the Avengers as they keep getting killed. He determines that Hank Pym is the murderer, doing them as revenge for the death of his daughter who die when working with S.H.I.E.L.D. Teaming up with Loki, who came to avenge the murdered Thor, they capture Pym. However, Loki becomes the ruler of Earth and Fury begins summoning more heroes once more.

Following the loss of his girlfriend, Dr. Stephen Strange goes to learn the mystic arts. Over many warnings, he also begins to play with time in the hopes of saving his love only to discover she dies in every timeline. The Ancient One then splits him in two, showing a path where he becomes evil and one where he accepts her death. The evil version overpowers him and tears apart reality, letting Strange watch as his love dies once more as the universe collapses.

We pick up with Hank Pym who causes a zombie apocalypse after returning from the quantum realm. The survivors — Bruce Banner, Hope van Dyne, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Okoye, Sharon Carter, Happy Hogan, and Kurt —try to find a cure at the military training facility Camp Lehigh. En route, Hogan, Carter, and Hope die at the hands (and mouths) of zombies. They also meet Vision who says he can reverse it, though this is thwarted by an infected Wanda Maximoff who can't be cured. She kills Kurt, Okoye, and Barnes. Vision then takes his own life to give his mind stone to Peter, Banner sacrifices himself to cover their escape and allow them to broadcast the Stone's energy across the world. Unfortunately, when the survivors return to Wakanda, they find a zombified Thanos with an almost complete Infinity Gauntlet.

Next we see Tony Stark attacked in Afghanistan by the Ten Rings, bailed out by Killmonger. After making their way back to Stark Industries, Killmonger sets in motion events that allow him to kill T'Challa. Stark, angry at the betrayal, is then also killed by Killmonger. Returning to Wakanda, he becomes the new Black Panther after repelling a drone attack. However, Shuri and Pepper Potts unite to form an alliance to lay out what actually happened.

Now turning our attention to Odin, we see how he never took in Loki as a son. Centuries following this, Thor goes to Earth to throw a party where he causes a lot of destruction. Carol Danvers is sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to stop him, only she can't do so without using her full power. Thus, she lures him away where he is about to be hit by a nuclear strike before being stopped by the impending arrival of his mother. Thor then asks out Jodie Foster, only for an army of drones led by Ultron who is controlling Vision's body and has six Infinity Stones to show up.

We see that Ultron has succeeded at taking over and killing most of all life on order. He even killed Thanos who arrived on scene, cutting him completely in half. He even attacks the all-seeing Watcher, defeating him across multiple universes. The watcher then flees to the collapsed universe where we last saw Dr. Strange, seeking his help.

All the characters we've seen in the prior episodes — Strange Supreme, Captain Carter, Star-Lord T'Challa, "Party" Thor, Black Panther Killmonger, plus a version of Gamora who killed Thanos — all come from their universe to battle Ultron. Though they manage to defeat him, Killmonger betrays the team and tries to take the Infinity Stones for himself. However, Watcher and Strange manage to seal them away in a time-loop. Everyone, save Natasha who appeared here, returns to their respective dimensions.